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"Riku!" i yelled out in the forest of dark mist.

"Touma, please!"

i recognized this place. i was here after Stain stabbed me in Hosu. it was like trees surrounded me, but once they were touched, they dissipated and regrew.

though last time, my brothers were right here with me.

this time, they're not.

"mama! papa!" i called.

i wanted anybody to come to me. anyone who could help. anything to keep me from being alone here.

i walked through the ghastly forest as i yelled, hoping to make some kind of progress.

not a single answer.

not a sound.


was this death?

i put my hand to my cheek, smacking it lightly. i was doing this to make sure i was still in my intact body.

this situation was the same as when i died in our fountain. i ended up here, alone. i wasn't here for long before i was rebirthed.

only this time, i don't think i'll be so lucky.

"Yurei Tomio!" i screamed.

that's right. if i find my father, he can help. the only problem is that he's in purgatory.

and i don't know where in the hell i'm at.


i yelped in surprise at the voice behind me, jumping back and spinning around.

it was a young girl.

"i'm Shimura Hana," she spoke.

"hi, Hana. i'm-"

"-_____," she smiled to me.

"you're looking for your father?" she asked.

i nodded, hopeful she can help.

"follow me."


Bakugo appeared in front of the villainous leader, coughing hard. he couldn't help but drop the girl partially while keeping hold of her top half.

"my apologies, Bakugo," he spoke while the rest of the villains appeared through the dark goo.

shockingly enough, he walked past the two students and helped Shigaraki stand, encouraging him that it was okay to fail.

Bakugo growled in annoyance and even fear. he fixed his grip on _____'s body, thinking of any possible way to get out of the situation.

every plan he came up with wouldn't work. not if he had the girl as luggage, but he couldn't just leave her there with them.

he looked at her pale face, regretting it instantly.

"there you are," All for One spoke.

All Might darted down through the air, headed straight for the lead villain. the impact of the direct hit flew everyone back. the power the two held was incredible.

during the large blow, Bakugo's hands let go of his friend in shock. he searched frantically for _____ through the dust while keeping an eye on the Symbol of Peace and the Symbol of Fear.

he was concerned seeing that All Might wasn't doing as well as he should. finding the girl on the ground, he rushed to her side, just in case.

"claim your prize, Shigaraki."

all villains turned to Bakugo. they were planning on taking him, but he wouldn't allow that. but what to do with _____? he couldn't fight if he carried her, and he didn't have his hero costume.

he jumped and dodged, sending quick explosions toward anything that moved, occasionally glancing where _____ lay. he didn't want to lose this fight, but he knew better. he was outnumbered, and he didn't know much about the group's quirks.

he went airborne, moving quick and precise. he truly was amazing and full of pure talent.

a large iceberg shot up from the sky, along with 3 students: Kirishima, Iida, and Midoriya.

Bakugo noticed this, thankful that there was something- a way out. he quickly landed, grabbing _____ by her shirt with one arm and taking a stand.

he aimed his free hand down, careful to make sure his trajectory will be correct. he had one shot, and he wasn't going to blow it.

"come on!" Kirishima yelled.

that was his release.

he blew a large explosion to the ground, keeping a tight grasp on the girl. the detonation sent them shooting toward to group. the weight of the second person was tearing them down, so he sent another explosion to keep his speed.

_____'s hair was flailing with the wind, almost forcing Bakugo to miss Kirishima's outstretched hand.

but they made it. he chuckled at the victory, gripping
the red head's hand firmly.

"she'll come back, right?" Kirishima asked, pointing to the girl's body.

Bakugo didn't answer. he was too unsure, and he didn't have a confident answer.

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