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i had arrived at our student section at the end of Iida's match. it was a doozy. silently, i chose to sit next to Bakugo since he was the one who wanted me to come sit with everyone.

no one had noticed i was there, thankfully. Mina and Aoyama's match was next.

"Bakugo," i called quietly.

his eyes moved to me, but his head stayed straight.

"this might not really be a compliment, seeing that you can't choose it yourself, but your quirk is amazing," i said.

the quirk was so destructive, but if it's used right, it's amazing how the explosives can really do some damage with precision.

"not only that, but your handle and understanding of it," i added.

"it's incredible," i breathed.

he raised an eyebrow before looking back at his two classmates' battle.

"thanks," he muttered.

"_____!" Mina yelled.

"hey," i spoke flatly.

i saw how everyone in our student section was staring at me.

"we all wanted to ask you something," she said.


"can you explain your quirk to us? nobody knows what it is and it could be very useful for future events," Midoriya asked.


the class all let out a loud 'what' in unison. have they never been told no before?

"at least give us the name!" Kirishima said. 

i grumbled under my breath and slouched back into my seat. crossing my arms over my chest, i kicked my feet onto the chair in front of me. it was clear that i was pouting like a child.

Bakugo let out a low laugh next to me.

"i told you idiots, she won't spill," he said.

i scoffed at his words. they sure seem to talk about me a lot when i'm not around. i don't blame them, i can see why they would. still, it gets a bit obnoxious.

"come on, please? just the name won't hurt," Uraraka urged.

"ghost," i grumbled only for Bakugo to hear.


"what did she say?"

"i couldn't hear her."

"i missed it!"

"could you maybe repeat that one more time?"

"ghost! it's called ghost, you nosey brats!" i yelled.

i didn't mean to snap at them, it was just a touchy subject at the moment. plus, they were all being so pushy. i saw Midoriya scribble in his notebook quickly.

the class went quiet after that and left me alone.

two matches went by and Bakugo stood from his seat. it was time for his match.

i stood as well, following after him to his waiting room.

i sat in a chair while he stretched.

"i don't know if you know this or not, but if Uraraka has to use her quirk on herself, she'll become nauseous. now, it's obvious that your quirk is much more powerful than hers, and i have extreme confidence you'll win. i just thought i'd tell you that," i said.

"i'll finish her off before she gets the chance," he answered.

"i know, it was just- food for thought."

i stood from the chair, headed toward the door. i planned to sit with the students to watch this match.

"why didn't you participate in the festival?" he asked with a confused look.

i stopped, turning to look at him. he had stopped stretching and walked toward me. he was definitely too close for comfort. i put my hand on his chest and pushed him back lightly, making some room.


"don't avoid the question. just answer it."

i met his rouge eyes, letting out a shaky breath.

"i don't want the extra attention at the moment," i retorted, "there's your answer."



her voice echoed in his ears. he had already threw two explosions to Uraraka, but the second was pointless, seeing as it was a decoy. he couldn't see her.

the smoke was going to make the match harder for the two, but that wouldn't stop him. he closed his eyes and held his breath, like _____ told him to. trying to calm his heartbeat, he listened to everything around him, drowning out Present Mic and the audience.

"there you are," he growled.

he heard her breathing.

he sent an explosion behind him, sending his classmate back.


Uraraka's plan to outsmart Bakugo failed, but it was incredible thinking on her part. he deflected her meteor air strike with a blast, as well as sending her back from the hit as well.

he sure was impressive.

"nice one, hot stuff," i spoke aloud.

"i'm sorry, what did you just call him?" Todoroki asked.

"hot. stuff." i clarified with a smirk on my face.

"he doesn't really strike me as your type, Yurei," Sero said.

"oh yeah? and what does seem like my type?" i asked him.

"me!" Kaminari yelled, getting real close to my face.

"get back or i'll beat you 'til you're purple," i threatened with a low voice and threatening glare.

he scrambled back, and i continued to watch the battles.


"she's definitely Bakugo's type," Kirishima grumbled to Sero.

"yeah, no joke. she almost made Denki wet himself," Sero answered.

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