I meant to put this in one of the chapters showing my old art, but forgot Sooo
These are basically just things I drew when putting object show characters into the hunger games generator.
For fun, I'll say what I think some of them were doing, bevause why tf not
Also, it's hunger games sooo ☢BLOOD, DEATH, AND MURDER WARNING☢
First one is just with bfb characters
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Tennis Ball is stabbing Flower while Bell watches, Bubble runs away from Two, Snowball angy, Fanny fucked up Leafy's nose, Donut has.. something, Saw, Coiny, Gelatin, and Rocky are hanging out, Puffball has a bag, Yellow Face is.. there, Basketball has weapons, Lollipop has a bag, Foldy has a med kit, Pencil, Remote, Lightning, and 8-ball are together, Pin is walking away, Woody fucking broke Gaty' s nose, Ruby and Taco have spears, David has a fucking lighter and you should run, a load of people are running away from Blocky, who has a sword, and more people are running away
Day 1:
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Marker, Firey, and Eraser are watching Four play with bows and arrows, Gaty has bred, Donut has an axe, Ruby and Leafy are there, Tree runs away from BBag, Pencil, Gelatim, Liy, and Two are together, Yellow Face killed Match, Fanny and Foldy are having a staring contest, the Announcer beat up Taco, Teardrop sleep while Coiny and TB talk, Cake helps Woody, Pen watches Naily yell at a child, Rocky is there, Puffball and Saw are stalking people, Remote has something, Snowball and Lightning have spears, Basketball finds 8-ball's dead body, Blocky, Lolli, and Pin watch X think about sticks, and Golf Ball picks flowers.
Okay I'm tired so I'll only guess the important stuff
Night 1:
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