Chapter four; Perfect People Don't Exist (or do they?)

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HEY!! I'm still disappointed that I haven't got many views. But those of you who are reading my story.. KEEP AT IT! You guys are the main reason I don't give up my dream of writing! If you like the story then be sure to...





I love you guys!!

~iloveyoujustmaybe. (Lexie) <3


   I don't remember what I said when I got up on stage. But I'm sure it went something like this: "Hey. I'm not a hoe. Don't believe Shelly Possip 'cause she's a lying wannabe me. The reason I turned Ky down is because I'm not into him like that."

   The only thing that eased my tension is when I got done, everyone stood up and clapped. Well... that is except for Shelly and Margey. They were P.O.'d and sitting down. But what do I care? I've got my life back.

   After I walked off stage I went strait for the bathroom, but didn't get there. I bumped into a new boy. "Sorry." I mumbled. I was about to walk off but then I looked at him. Sure, there was about twenty other people around us, but just for a moment I saw only him. 

   He was gorgeous. With his blond, windswept hair, that fell just at his eyes, his bright, sparkling, blue eyes, and not to mention his body. His toned body showed through tight dark brown shirt, with his arm muscles protruding. Adorable.

   He smiled, a perfect smile, and said "It's fine." Then he just walked off. This might sound cheesy, but, I've never seen anything more beautiful than his smile.

   I was still frozen when someone came up behind me, and gave me a light push. I turn around. Great. Shelly.

   "What?" I say coldly. "You made me look horrible and now I'm suspended for this. Thanks." She replies. I'm not in the mood to deal with her crap so all I say is, "Bye."

   "What? Getting me suspended wasn't enough? Now you have the nerve to ignore me?!" She says. I am shocked she just said that. "I have the nerve?! You told freaking everybody I was pregnant! I don't even know where you got that from. You don't know what you're talking about, Possip. No wonder your only friend is Margey. No go crawl back under that rock you were found under." I say.

   She just stares at me with wide eyes. "Get over it," I say. "You're just a wannabe." I walk away feeling like I've just won a great battle. I reighn victorious. When I walk by, people appologize, and smile.

   Then I see Layla. She walks up to me and smiles, "I'm so proud of you for doing that! BTW, sorry. I was late. My alarm didn't go off."  "Thanks Lay!" I say, gratefully. I'm so glad I have a best friend like her!

   I want to tell her about the adorable new guy, but before I can she screeches, "GUESS WHO ASKED ME TO HOMECOMING!!" I roll my eyes, slightly annoyed she thinks this is so amazing.. but I reply, trying to sound enthusiastic, and say, "Who?!" "Garret Timpson!" She says.

   Garret's cute. Actually Lay has kinda liked him for a while. "That's great." I say, and give her a half hug as we walk down the hallway. We walk to our locker. We share one. We both put our bags and books in. Just as I was getting ready to shut the door, Mrs. Hertz, my fifth hour teacher told me that the principle needed to see me. Great.

   I walk down the hallway and into the office. When I get there I knock on Mr. Goreman's door.

Come in Miss. Martin. I walk in.

   "Yes?" I say. "Have a seat." he says. I sit down. I'm kind of nervous. "What's this about?" I say, not very sure.

   "I'm proud of you for making your speech. But, you did attack that boy on the bus. So, by law, you have to be punished. After school. Today. One hour. Is that clear?" I nod my head. That's not so bad.

   "Okay." I agree. It's reasonable. Usually the punishment for beating someone up is suspension. "Now stay out of trouble, okay? Oh, and I don't know if you've seen the new boy," he says, "but I want you to befriend him. He needs some friends." That shouldn't be a problem.

   I giggle. Mentally of course. I smile, "Of course." This is one of those days I would consider perfect.

   The rest of the day goes by way fast. I'm supposed to spend the night at Layla's house tonight, so I have my clothes, and I'm going to her house after school.

   I walk to the I.S.S (in school suspension) room, and take a seat. There's only three other people sitting down. Trey, and these two freshmen.

   "Take a seat." Mr Griffin says, our awesome detention teacher. He's so funny! I find a seat away from Trey, and sit. I take out a book and start reading. One hour should pass by in a flash.


   My thoughts are interrupted when Mr. G says, "Cammy, Nevada, you can go." Thank God. I was getting bored.

   I grab my stuff, and say, "Bye Mr. G." he nods. As soon as we get out of the door, that Cammy girl, starts talking to me. She's talking so fast I can't understand what she's saying. "Well bye!" the petite blonde says. I smile.

   I got to the door, and I was just getting ready to open it, when someone opened it for me. "Thanks." I say. I look up to smile, but then I realize it's the new guy. "Hi. I'm Bryce. You're Nevada, right? I know we've already met, but I didn't get a chance to introduce myself." He says. "Uh.. yah." is all I can say.

   "So, I was thinking, my grades got carried over from my old school, and I have a D in English. I asked Mrs. Gauyfer if anyone could help me, and she recommended you. You think you have time for that? I mean it's okay if you don't. I heard you're running for homecoming queen, and you're captain of the cheer leading squad, and some other stuff. But, I might as well ask."

  I'm shocked. He needs myhelp?! "Um, of course. I'd um, love you- I mean too. I mean, I'm spending the night at um Layla's, but um we can meet at the um library. I mean um, if you want to. But-" "Sounds good.", he say's cutting me off.

   Crap I was babbling. I feel like a complete idiot. "Thanks," he says, "I'll see you tonight. Shall we say.. six-ish? I have lacross practice from four to five, so that sould give me plenty time to get ready. Oh, well, I should probably go." he says looking at his watch. "Okay." I mumble.

   Imigoodness. Am I going on a.. dare I say it, DATE?? And he asked.. ME?? This is a weird twist of events...

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