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He picks up on the 2nd ring.

"Give her back"
"Who is this?"
"You know who this is"
"What do u want?"
"I want her back"
"She's not yours"
"Yes. She. Is."

With that he hangs up.
I need her back.


I need to get her out of here now she's not going back with them. I won't let her.


"Moooo guess where we're going"
"Sneaker tech?!!"
"I don't want to go then"
"Fine, I guess I'll go to Soneva Jani by myself"
"Heh, you know I was just joking.. dude" she say punching my shoulder.
"Go pack, we leave tomorrow"


I gaze at the big house. Glazed in quartz stone. With two big palm trees on each side. There's a big fountain in the middle giving a show. Mo and I step out of the car and walk up to the big gates. As we walk in side we're greeted by auntie Zandie.

"Hello, ah is this miss Moesha I see?!". "Hi auntie!" Mo exclaims embracing, her auntie pulls her back and stares at her. "Do you know the last time I saw you? You were small small". I watch as she touches Mo all around obviously making her uncomfortable.

"Hi auntie" I say  as I welcome her into my arms. "Hello Darius. You look the same." she says nonchalantly going back to Moesha. I walk away taking the suitcases in hand up to my room. Once I'm up there I make a call.


"Hi sir, AJ, Oscar, and I are outside now."

"Okay one of you I want out front by the gate, another out side the west wing, and the last outside the east." 

"Yes sir" 



I honestly love talking to auntie Zandie. She's very creative and reminds me a lot of myself. Her only flaw is that she loves talking as well. I mean I have horrible Jet lag and I keep trying to drop subtle hits but she's not getting it. I finally muster up courage to excuse myself and  go to my room. 

I wake up in the middle of the night sweating and out of breath. Darius hugs me and tries to get me to calm down. "So what's wrong?" "I had a nightmare" "What? i thought you stopped having those." "I did but after I left and went back with mom they started again" "Well now you're back with me and I wont let anything happen to you". With those words in mind I try to go back to sleep but I fail. I just kinda lay there all night. 

j Hey yall so Ik i say this a lot but I'm trying to get back into publishing consistently although Ik its not going to happen, so I'll give myself 2 weeks till I publish next although I can't promise. Anyways see ya!

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