Shackles Of Love

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The sun was shining brightly through the cheap college blinds. Tyler with his head slumped on the desk could feel the sun bearing down on the back of his head as he silenty day dreamed during his music lesson, the teacher (Mr Mclear) slammed his hand on the desk next to him, as he snapped out of it suddenly and tryed to catch his breath he began to wipe the druel from his lips he looked up at a red faced Mclear. "Do you think you can you can snooze and day dream my lesson away Tyler"  said Mclear. " No sir sorry i just got bored and all you do is complain at me even when i am getting work done" replied Tyler, " I dont give a Flying fuck you little moron now shut up" Exclaimed Mclear. Tyler rose to his feet with the rest of class staring at him with a few still snickering, as he looked around the class at the moronic looking teenagers his eyes met with Claire Rosetons who as soon as he saw her he could feel the blood in his cheeks quickly rise to the surface, she looked at him with her brilliant brown eyes and flashed a quick glistening smile at him, curiously Tyler began to think he was still dreaming especially after she gave him a little wave but all of that heavenly moment was lost when Mr Mclear got right in his line of sight and shouted in his face "sit down now Tyler and shut up" suddenly Tyler grabbed Mclear by the collar and dragged him to the wall.

Mr Mclear was slammed into the wall with great force by Tyler who got right up to his face and spoke very quietly in a deep sinister tone "If you ever speak to me again in that manner or continue to show me the disrespect i would not show you then i am going to pulverise you into nothing, no one will ever find you cause there will be nothing left and as for this little incident right now your not gonna say one fucking word are you". Mclear looked into Tylers Hazel eyes and saw no ounce of a lie in his face he knew that Tyler was being very serious and replied with a little squeek "I will not utter a word about this to anyone at all the lord himself will not here me say anything of the sort" Tyler grinned smugly and replied "Good now im gonna leave the lesson now and see you fresh tommorow do you understand" the music teacher simply stood there and nodded his head very slowly. As Tyler slowly walked out the class he gave Claire one quick glimpse with a wink thrown her way turning his head back he was positive he saw her cheeks go just as red as his own did. 

After walking around college for half an hour he decided to go to the balcony on the top floor (the usual spot) were he usually goes to think, when he got there he pulled his note book out he unlocked the padlock that he had previously put on it after removing the key from around his neck,  he began to browse through his previous entry's he smiled at how foolish he was for some of the things he had wrote about home and about claire, as his smile began to expand bigger and bigger he got to the his final entry. He then pulled out his pen and began to write his emotions about claire on a fresh page then pen seemed to flow like he had rehearsed everything he was writing and as he continued to write his smile began to fade untill his mouth was nothing but a line on his face as he continued to think about how she would react if he told her how he felt. Suddenly the door leading to the balcony and as his eyes darted from his book to the door, their was Claire she set her eyes upon his and sent a warm, gently smile his way he returned the kind gesture with his on stunned grin.

Claire began to walk over to Tyler as she did this, he remembered he had his note book in his hand with alot of feelings in there that he really didnt want her to see so not to look obvious that he was hiding something he closed the book gently and placed it in his bag after the book was safe from her vision he placed one hand in a returned the padlock to the side of the book and zipped his bag up when his eyes finally came back up to see were Claire was she was stood right in front of him, the smile hadnt left her face her lips parted "may i sit with you,Tyler" she asked. "Sure" replied Tyler. 

Claire sat in front of Tyler with her legs crossed her dark brown hair gently swished in the light breeze, then a look of curiosity crossed her face "Tyler not that it is my business but why did react like that with Mr Mclear" asked. Tyler's mind went blank after hearing her sweet intoxicating voice, it was not on the list of things he thought she was going to say, idiot Tyler thought why would you not think she would ask that she was in the room, finding his words he replied "i dont like adults disrespecting me in a derogatory  manner and he knows that i know this topic because i studied it last year" Claire looked at Tyler puzzled "what do you mean last year". " I was in a different school to you last year and i took music as a GCSE and this happened to be one of the topics that we looked at" he explained. "Fair enough well i know this is the first time we have really spoke but i like the way you stood up for your standards before to Mclear and the fact you know this topic is good because i dont, this is the one subject i am failing because i dont understand it". Tyler you fucking moron now is your chance come on, his concious said to him. "I could help you if you want Claire" he said calmly. Claire's brown eyes nearly burst out as she beamed at him " Yeah that would be great ermmm are you free tonight you can come to my house and have dinner with my aunt, my uncle and myself that's if your free". "I would love to Claire" he responded. "What time do you finish Tyler" she exclaimed. "I have finished now for the day" he said . "damn ermm i have Art in 10 minutes untill 4:30 its my final piece or i'd skip it" she replied all excitment leaving her face. " How about i wait for you and i'll be outside your classroom at 4:30" he asked unsure what the reaction would be. Claire quickly hugged him "yeah that sounds great and then we can walk to my house, i'm in room 204, i have to go now so i will see you then ok?". "Yeah i will see you then" Tyler smiled. Then Claire stood up smiled at Tyler and skipped away through the balcony doors.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2013 ⏰

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