Shunsui Kyoraku

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For the past year you have had to put up with your captain and his pestering. You were third seat rank in squad 8. You were good friends with Nanao and Shunsui though you did tend to be undecided if you should call them by first or last name it didn't really matter. Nanao basically held your friendship status in the palm of her hand, a few days ago you had let slip that you thought you may start to have feelings for the perverted catapin of yours. Nanak had really just looked at you smiled and ran away. Great.
I carefree voice came from behind you. You knew it was your captain so you turn around smack him in the face with the side of your hand like a karate chop style thing. The reason you done that was because the damn drunk had a creepy kissy face looming towards you.
"That hurt Y/N-chan."
Shunsui pouted and looked hurt. If was all fake and you knew it, that's one thing about been friends with him you get used to him fast.
"Anyone would hit you if they seen a face like that near them."
"That's mean, I only wanted a kiss."
He pouted again,
"Hm what if you got one?"
"Eh? You'd kiss me?"
A touch of humor left his voice,
"Dunno, you'd have to find out."
With that you poke you toung out in a teasing manner and walk away leaving the captain standing there wondering. You walk outside to some sakura trees in the barracks garden and sit down. There another thing you and your catapin have in common, you like to sleep. Leaning against the trunk you sit down and doze off into a light sleep. When you here foot steps you open a eye to see the pink cloak of your captain, knowing its him and that he probably noticed you eye open he would talk.
"Hey Y/N-"
He sat down with a thud,
"Hope you don't mind me sitting here."
"I'll only mind if you get me in trouble with Nanao."
He chucked and you feel into a comfortable silence. You had one hand resting on the ground beside you and hardly noticed the captains hand brush yours when he sat down, then he asked something,
"Where you serious about the kiss?"
Eh! You cheeks tinted pink at the unexpected question and he must have noticed
"Hm? Your face is pink... Is that a yes?"
He mocked, with him been your captain he probably know confirmed you liked him and he would do something.
"Y/N, I really love you."
He placed his hand on top of yours and awaited the reply he hoped to get,
"Shunsui, I love you too."
Cue massive blush. In a movement he wrapped his arm around your far shoulder and pulled you over into him. Once you got a breath in you soon found lips on yours your eyes shut but not before seeing Nanao looking through a office window smirking, after seeing her you blush more and focus back onto the passion growing kiss. Right as you were about to pull away for air and you opened your mouth someone's toung flicked along your lip causing a giant blush on your face. A satisfied Shunsui looked back at you.
He laughed and said,
"What? No more?"
You smack his arm the lean against it,
"Maybe later you idiot pervert."
You said with a small grin.

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