26. the good vision

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"So how was the date ?" Your mother randomly brings up during dinner, making you stop eating for a minute.

"Hmm, I'm a mess. I went full Mariano mode for a moment, like, I said very poetic things. Then I cried, because I was very emotional. And also, my flower crown ended up really ugly."

The table, that was already quiet, became silent as everyone stopped eating. Bruno timidly scoffs next to you before talking.

"So it was a success ?"

"Yeah ! Isabela likes her back !" Dolores blurts out, squeaking when you nudge her playfully, a smirk evident on your face. Everyone bursts in an explosion of diverse exclamations.

"YOOOOOO !" Lucía claps, almost standing up to dance around the table, but a glare from your mother dissuades her.

"I'm so happy for you, (Y/n) !" She then says as Lucía crosses her arms, mocking her glare.

"Congratulations, mija." Your father smiles proudly.

"Great, great. Good for you, kid." Bruno pats your hand, already back to eating.

"You still love me, right ?" Jorge asks, exaggeretedly pouting. You roll your eyes.

"Of course not."

"When can we meet her ? We should invite her for dinner some time." Your mother propose, and everyone agrees without even wondering if you're okay with it. You don't mind, but you'll have to see when Isabela is available and if she wants to meet your family.

"I'll cook !" You exclaim, making everyone except clueless Bruno protest loudly. You sulk, sinking into your chair to show your dissatisfaction.

"Eat your vegetables, hermana." Jorge orders, still mad you joked about not loving him anymore.

"eAt YoUr vEgeTabLeS, hErManA." You mock him, making him smile.

"Seriously, though. Eat your vegetables, (Y/n)." Your mother says, and you immediately grab your fork.

You knew better than to disobey Beatriz Hermoza.


"Hey, kid."

You frantically scream as Bruno appears behind you, almost dropping your toothbrush. "Oh, hi Bruno. Fancy seeing you here."

He laughs, sitting on the edge of the bathtube behind you as you resume brushing your teeth. You had eaten all your vegetables at dinner, so now you had to get this awful taste out of your mouth as soon as possible.

"I wanted to tell you about something, now that I know everything's going fine between you and Isabela."

You look at him in the mirror. He looked nervous. "You may proceed."

"See, my visions aren't always bad. I told you I saw you in Isabela's dream life, and you thought you were friends. I think...uh..."

You had turned around, having finished brushing your teeth, and leaned your back on the sink, crossing your arms as you waited for his answer. It made him nervous, and stop talking to play with the hem of his ruana.

"You said it wasn't bad, right ? So why are you so scared to tell me ?"

"Oh, I'm just not used to give good visions, so it's always a bit stressful telling people, no matter what it says. Don't worry, I'll be okay."

something imperfect || isabela madrigal X female readerWhere stories live. Discover now