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F: Are u seriously not going to talk to me?
A: we have nothing to talk about
F: we do... What happened last night
A: we fucked.
F: —and whats not clicking in ur head???
A: we aren't even dating
F: we can
A: I dont want to be chased by paparazzi
F: then were not gonna leave ur house
A: Frida.. i love u but i cant. I enjoyed our time... I sure did but i cant.
F: agnetha i know ur scared but please give me a chance...

How do i save myself from a self inflicted pain and agony? She means so much to me i cant let anyone hurt her.

A: Hello, David? I denied her.. can u please stop now?
D: oh sweetheart its just the start. Now, lets see who has the upper hand.

Why did i even...

Its started at '79 we were having a uncomfortable moments working together but somehow bearable, i was divorced from Bjorn now he's seeing a woman and i did too just so i can decrease the pain. I met this guy named David, handsome, nice, tall, technically hot. I liked that about him his a type of guy that is a smooth talker and he made me feel wanted now i realized that was love boming and i didn't know that i got caught up by wanting to be wanted. Now David after months of knowing each other had shown his true colors he became possessive and obsessive, of course being intimate together was a part of the relationship but he wasn't gentle as anyone I've been with i get scared sometimes but he woke a side of me that I haven't known about. I wanted to be away form him for sure but i can't he gets too mad and threatens me now he had an hold on me treating me like im his—i didn't want that. For years i suppressed my feelings for Frida, now I have showed her that love that I've been keeping for the longest time he comes in and chokes me with his power, i wish  didn't play with fire.

I've been anxious its been weeks since David became a part of my life and everything in it, i get scared in the middle of the night expecting him standing in the corner looking he slowly is becoming my nightmare. I could not resist him I tried that and I ended up sleeping with him as if he casted a spell on me, on the other hand Frida my love... Our night that we spent together was amazing and I would never forget how she touched me and whispered my name under those velvet sheets, I wish i stayed and told her that I love her that I want her to be mine—be her's. Im torn between two people; the one who grasps me as if he has me and the one i want to say has me.

D: Hello, my love.

Agnetha jolted when she heard his voice. Fear was visible in her eyes as if she saw a ghost.

"How did you get in my house?!" As she adjusted her silk robe. David came closer to her, tucked her loose hair behind her ear and softly whispers.

D: Secrets aren't supposed to be shared...but because i love you — I got in the backdoor it wasn't locked.

A: you psycho!!

She was about to hit him but he caught her hand then planted a kiss before letting it go.

D: No dear, just devoted.

David walked towards the kitchen counter and leaned onto it before sighting a shadow running towards them.

Linda: Papa!!

A: Excuse me???

Agnetha shocked by what she heard was speechless about what she was hearing, as for David only became a recent part of her life but her child was already calling him a parent.

D: hello my darling Linda! How are you my love? Have you enjoyed your time with your father?

David was always fond of Agnetha's children, he met them the 3rd week that they got together and in an instant they got along which now scares Agnetha.

L: yesss!! We played ice hockey and christian tried to skate today i had sooo much funnn!!

Witnessing the conversation between her child and lover, Agnetha could not comprehend how this dangerous man could be soft and get along with her child as if he wasn't a threat.

D: that is good to know little lady you did have fun and thats the important thing today isnt it?
L: yesss papa!! I hope you  Mommy and us can go have some fun soon!
A: Linda baby why won't you go back upstairs and check on your brother while I talk to David...
L: okaayy i love uu!! Byyee papa!!
A: okay, wtf is that?? Why is my child calling you 'papa'?? are you fucking insane???????
D: oh Dear agnetha dont be mad at me she initiated to call me that and I thought it was endearing.
A: your not even my boyfriend! Why do you act like you do? I let you enter my life once and you never left me alone!
D: then thats your mistake honey... I wont leave until your mine. I wont leave you alone honey, I'll be everywhere you are and I can see anything you do. So why cant you just participate in this game of love? I swear no one will get hurt, not even Frida,who you've been fucking. I know every single thing Agnetha, so dont you dare hid shit from me because i can definitely smell it from a far. Be a doll and be nice to me because i swear once you open that pretty mouth of yours ur beautiful Frida Lyngstad will be nonexistent. Now, excuse me I'll check on our children.

He kiss her in the cheek while squeezing her ass and left. Everything was cold for Agnetha, Sweden is cold but it increased due to the fact that David claims too much of hers. She wanted to cry but she got tired of crying and calling for help knowing no one would save her, she have thought of a lawyer to sue David but no one wants to fight against David. For that fact she becomes more curious about what power David has, she still doesn't know anything about him, she doesn't know what his work is, his friends, family or just him in general; she would usually know basic things about people around her as she is the observant one of ABBA but now she cant even grasp an information about him. Now her children are involved and she's on a trap she doesn't even know how would she function anymore, David usually comes in the morning hijacking her house, cooking breakfast, taking care of Linda and Christian while she's still asleep. Her children thinks its normal that David is there and cooking while lying to their faces on how good of a person he is, but with Agnetha his very different he would usually threaten her not the kids but her and she tries to bulge but its either an treat with actual work or some lie he would say to people, even Bjorn thinks shes close to marrying this guy which makes her shiver. A thought of her and David getting married would be a prison of her in this home with no one but him, she knew too well that isn't the life she wants to pursue but why does destiny shove this to her throat? She doesn't know but as long as shes not his she knows how to find a way back home. For the longest time she wanted her parents to be there for her, her relationship with them deteriorated ever since she left without further notice, all she wanted was to be there and be safe without worrying about her life, now she's not even sure about it.

Frida, she wanted... called frida but no answer.  Is that it? After what happened? Maybe it was her fault because of what she said, she regrets every word. No one says 'fuck' when you make love with someone dear, when they ask you to date you say 'yes' and be the happiest person in the world because that someone reciprocates the feelings, but there is an hindrance to that. The choice we make without thinking further does affect our whole live she havent thought about that whilst flirting with David, she haven't given a single thought when he wandered his hands on her body, she didn't think... She felt someone touching her and she never thought about anything or anyone. Now she doesn't even know if its too late.

—story evolves on Agnetha & David maybe a little frida—

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