Kiss of Life

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As we have seen in the past, nobody gave it another thought. Nothing could compare to you, nothing could compare to the hopeless feeling I had for you, a sensation that never turned into love. I shout to you, "Nothing can ever be the same," in the hopes that it will stop. "You gave me the kiss of life, something heavenly from above," i said. Every time we meet, you are different and interesting to notice. Both as tall as the tree and as delicate as the wind.

:> :>

"hey Frida! I got you a cup of coffee." Anna showed Frida what she got for her. "I'll place it here. Frida?" She called for her name again.

Who is this?

" I was wondering if you're free tonight?"

"Frida! Babes, Aragon is looking for you." One of my friends interrupted out conversation, i gathered all my things before looking at Agnetha and the coffee she got for me. Interesting i said, i never drank this kind of coffee before so took it.

"Agnetha... right? Yes im free tonight. This is my number and thank you for the coffee, i guess" I hurriedly said.

" Uhm... You're welcome, I'll call you."

" Yea... Sure, bye!" I waved at her before leaving the room, before passing by the second room my friend, Dionne randomly spoke about the girl.

" the blondie... I think I've seen her before."

"In Grammar i think"

" Oh yeah! That girl is smart—smart that's what I've been hearing." I chuckled at her.

" That kid looks like a model i think fashion— maybe you're mistaken?  "

" Is her name Athena—nah... Agnes?"


"Yes that name. Agnetha Faltskog! Then thats her from grammar. Hey I've heard too that her father owns a pharmaceutical in London" Cheri.

" Hey girls what's up?" Dionne pointed at Agnetha who sat in front.

" Oh blondie— Peter likes that girl"

" I mean come on —why not?" Frida said. Both of the ladies laughed at her.

" If i was i man I'd like her too. She's tall and blonde."

" No girl—i like her eyes and her voice have you talked to her? She has the most delicate voice I've ever heard.." she chuckled at what she said.

I rolled my eyes before sending Cheri away from Dionne. Both ladies teased Frida for being so quiet about Agnetha. Well in her defense she didn't say anything because she didn't know who she was exactly and Agnetha gave her coffee.

:>> :>>
After a long day at school, I returned home late and find no one home. I decided to take a shower because I earned it, and as I was choosing clothing from my drawers, the phone began to ring.

" Hello?" Frida answered.

" Hello? It's Agnetha."

"Oh?!" Frida thought to herself, she never really expeced that the blondie was going to call.

" Hi.. is this a good time?" I heard worry in her voice.

" No not at all. What's up?" I said while placing the telephone on my lap.

" Sorry for being creepy. You're the only person who's been nice to me since i came to the school. Thank you for the cookies you gave me a while ago..."

" Oh the cookies... Yea. You're welcome... Thank you for the coffee too."

" Hmmm.. are you free for lunch tomorrow? I don't usually ask but i take risks asking."

" I'll check, but you'll see me at the cafeteria if i am."

" Uhm okay I'll see you. Goodnight!"

Strange that girl. I said to myself before dialling Dionne's telephone number.

"Hey babes what's up?"

"Do you know anything about cookies that i apparently gave to Agnetha?"

I heard her giggle.

" Thats on Peter he thought you guys are like close or something thats why he asked someone to give it to Agnetha, but the dumba** said it was from you rather than from Peter. " Dionne explained.

" Dont worry girl, just tell Peter your uncomfortable with his schemes."

" Very. Cant believe it though, isn't he giving gifts to the brunette cheerleader too?"

" Peter is Petering— he already has a girlfriend but still trying to keep side pieces. Anyway, we were thinking that maybe we could cut classes tomorrow, wanna come?"

" Who is coming with you guys?"

" Cheri, Me, hopefully you, Peter and the guys... Oh Benny is gonna be there you like him right? Come with us"

" I'll think about it" i hurriedly said, i dont really wanna talk about that with her.

"Whatever babes! See you tomorrow!"

I've decided not to accompany them because I recently split up with Benny. No one was aware since I didn't inform them; otherwise, I would have had a hard time coming up with excuses. I eventually turned to schoolwork in an effort to forget about the Benny, but I grew curious and eager to see Agnetha.

:>> :>>

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