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7:48 pm

Agnetha putting on her white flowy casual dress from their dinner at Ques, she wasnt that thrilled going and to sit there talk and listen although she is excited to see Frida again. Before that she's been fixing her dress for awhile and forgot that the hook at the back was loose, normally Frida would fix it but she's not here to do so and honestly she's not go at it either.

Linda: you look very pretty mommy..
A: You too my little girl, would you mind helping mommy with my shoes? What do you think fits my outfit?

Agnetha started to slowly twirl to let Linda see her dress. The child went on and raid her closet, it took her awhile before finding the perfect shoes for her mother and Agnetha was pleased by her daughter's taste.

A: Your very good at this aren't you?
L: I learn from the best! Aunt Frida does this color theory thing with me and I like learning with her. I love Aunt Frida! *giggles*
A: I love her too dear but I thought your gonna say it was me...
L: I love you mommy *softly laughs*

Agnetha loved that Linda and Frida get along very well. Her child has her shyness but she always found a sense of belongingness wherever they go Linda would fit in whatever the situation is. Agnetha's been thankful for that as her children was her main concern when she and Bjorn divorced, but her luck worked when she noticed that Linda was adjusting well especially she had to go back and forth to her parents. Since then as Linda grew everyday she did understand how their life is going to be working out.

A: Would you mind putting my necklace sweet girl?
D: I can help..
L: Pa—David!
D: hello my darling!
L: are you sure I can come with you?
D: yes i am sure but maybe we could go next time okay?
L: Okaayy, Im going now I wanna see if Christian is already sleeping. Sorry Mommyy maybe David can help.
A: Dear please...
D: Its okay you can go

The blonde felt the defeat when her child walked out the door after kissing her good night, again here she is with David at her room.

D: You seemed flushed, your skin in too warm...
A: It is warm here
D: Not warm enough. So, how are you feeling?
A: why did you suddenly ask?
D: Nothing, I'd like to check on you. Is it bad that im asking?
A: You seem nice this hour? Have you eaten something different? Maybe you should eat that more often.
D: You and your silly joke. Im always nice.
A: oh... I haven't noticed.
D: Babe..
A: What now?
D: Aren't you nervous?
A: Why would i be?
D: what if your friends ask you anything about me? What would you say?
A: If thats your concern then Id say, " I dont really know much, you should ask him". That easy and really David... That? I don't even know you I have nothing to say.
D: Why wont you ask me then?
A: Okay what your name... Full name?
D:  David Philip Natt
A: Age? Birthday? Job? Family Background? Anything? I've known you for awhile but I dont know you.
D: 38. Aug 23. I do Real Estate, and  handle a shipping company. Family? I don't want to talk about that. I like you. Im a doctor by profession specifically neuro surgery. I like the color blue. I like children. I like giving everything I can. I like providing. Im practial and analytical.
I read a lot. I connect with people. I like taking care of myself as well. I can cook.
A: wait... your a neurosurgeon?
D: Babe thats why I leave anytime and comeback anytime.
A: I wanted to be a doctor too..
D: What were you gonna take?
A: Psychology
D: Dont you want to persue it?
A: I have a job that i love David... i love to sing and my kids...I like it here..
D: Could have been Dr. Faltskog then? You still could be, I know a great university that offers psych..
A: lets forget about it. About this dinner why do we need to do this?
D: Like I said I want to know your friends. Apprently you have few and I want to know them.
A: But you do know them. Can we just not go?
D: Why are you so afraid? Dont you want to see Frida again? Im giving you an opportunity to see your lover and still don't want to take it or is because you had a great time moaning her name at work?

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