Chapter 3

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"Saeyoon?" He asked his eyes looking at her. She had a bruise on her arm, and she wouldn't talk. She had gone mute, after everything she went through at school. The bullying, torture...all because she wouldn't become friends with a girl who she knew from the start she couldn't trust. "Sae..come on? What happened? I'm your brother, can you tell me?"

Those words had somehow become twisted, and they meant nothing.
It all meant nothing to her after she watched him over her dead dad's body, multiple stab wounds marked him.

"Dad.." She muttered, speaking for the first time before her eyes trailed to Daeho.
"You.." She muttered and Daeho shook like a leaf. He had killed their father.
"Sae..please, it's not what-"
"Get out!" She screamed with her whole heart.
"Get out of my life! I never ever want to see you again!" She yelled again and Daeho held his hands up, tears filling his eyes. "Sae..please, Let me explain."
"Out!" She yelled and Daeho sat up, looking at the blood on his hands. "What..have..I done." He muttered and Saeyoon began to cry. "I trusted always promised you were my brother.." She whispered and Daeho glanced at her. "Saeyoon please! I still am..I messed up..I messed up so much. Saeyoon, you know I wouldn't hurt you."
She looked at him and glared, "You fucking liar.."

"Sae.." He muttered after seeing the girl. His eyes teared up before Sunwon tapped on his shoulder. "Daeho, you ok?" He asked and Daeho didn't look away before Sunwon grabbed his shoulders, which caught his attention then. "Oh.. yeah.. I'm fine.." Daeho muttered as he looked in front of him. Sunwon stared at him for a few before sighing out. "There you go again.." He muttered and Daeho furrowed his eyebrows, "Huh?" He asked with a confused face and Sunwon tried to talk over the filling gym. "You always say you're fine but you're obviously not. It's not tricking anyone but yourself." Sunwon explained and Daeho stared at him before sighing, "Well..Sorry I just saw someone who I recognized. It's nothing much"
Sunwon's eyes lit up. "An ex? Where?-" He quickly looked around and Daeho's eyes went wide, "No- Sunwon"
Sunwon then breathed in, looking back to Daeho, "Broo! Ji Daeho! You're so cool!" He purposefully yelled and Daeho's heart dropped, and he got ahold of his arm. "Sunwon.." He muttered and Sunwon looked back to him and smiled innocently before Daeho glared at him and looked over back to his sister. No attention from her, but there was attention from someone else. While Saeyoon had been talking to her guy friend, someone else's attention went towards them. Daeho glanced at the girl and made eye contact before his breath felt taken. She smiled at him before looking away, but Daeho still stared. All he felt was warmth, before the mic turned on. He smiled a bit at her before Namwoo tapped his shoulder, which made the boy stop and turn around to clear his throat. "Good Afternoon both Academic Schools of Seoul!" The principal announced and everyone stood up and took a bow, and the principal bowed back and motioned for everyone to sit back down. Daeho though, was paranoid and scared that any angle of him could be seen by Saeyoon. "Today we are celebrating the Sports teams within Inyun and Gugyeom Highschool '' She announced and everyone started to cheer and clap. Daeho clapped unsureful before glancing at Sunwon who seemed to be annoyed.
"Ok now, may I have the soccer team of Inyun and Gugyeom please come up?" She asked and Sunwon glanced at Daeho and the others with a look. "Well, I'm off"
"Good luck!" Taesoo cheered, who got a confused look from Sunwon as he walked. Daeho watched him head up before smiling at the others who went up as well. Namwoo glanced at the two, "I can't wait to see a peeved look from him on stage" He laughed and Taesoo laughed as well. The two teams lined up on stage and glanced around. Sunwon gave a cold look, before one kid talked to him and made him smile. "From here on out...I will announce the winners." The principal announced and soon the whole gym got quiet. She flipped a page on the stand before glancing to Gugyeom's team. "Cho Sunwon, Leader and Attack Guard of Gugyeom's team...and Kyo Jangoh, Leader and Defense of Inyun's Team" She announced and Daeho watched as Sunwon gave a prideful look. She smiled before speaking, "Both of you have been good leaders to your teams and have really shown what confidence and leadership means to you." She trailed off. "Cho Sunwon, You are fearless and show confidence throughout each game. You urge your fellow teammates to show their all." She read off and Sunwon gave a nod and she glanced at him. "Please step forward" She spoke and Sunwon hesitated before stepping forward where he looked to his 3 friends in the crowd. "Kyo Jangoh, You strived to make sure that your team does perfectly no matter what, by helping them train, and urging confidence upon them." She read off and glanced at the team. "Please step forward"
Daeho watched as Sunwon gave a smile but it faded. He seemed to have remembered what the real situation was. "For how good both teams are in leadership, I shall reward you for that. Unfortunately, I can only name the team who has won championships."
Sunwon rolled his eyes and looked up at the ceiling, not showing any care in the world. "Therefore...The winner of the 2015 Soccer Championship is.." She trailed off. "Inyun Highschool!" She cheered and the gym's crowd went crazy. Sunwon stared in front of him, but his eyes glanced at his friends who gave smiles and thumbs up to him. It took a bit for Sunwon to smile, but eventually he did. The principal handed the team a trophy and some medals, as the other team was scooted off stage and urged back to their seats. Daeho watched as Sunwon came forward to them. "That was just a humiliation tactic.." He muttered and Daeho laughed, "At least you got recognized for your hard work?" He said trying to make the best of the situation. "Yeah hard work comes down to losing!" He argued and Daeho sighed, rubbing his back, the others looking concerned. "Don't worry about it..You have other tries"
"I'm just gonna quit.." Sunwon commented and his friend's faces all fell. "Quit?" Taesoo muttered and Daeho furrowed his eyebrows, Namwoo speaking up. "You can't quit! You love soccer!"
"Daeho loved volleyball but he quit!" Sunwon scoffed and the group's faces softened. "Plus, soccer isn't my future.. Marine Biology is.." Sunwon explained and Taesoo nodded, giving a guilty look.
Daeho sighed out before looking around, pondering what to do, but instead he saw her again. Her skin looked soft, her hair pretty and black. Her eyes are shiny and bright. All Daeho could feel from her was warmth and sunshine; She was like a ball of sunshine. Her smile was calm and inviting, it made Daeho's heart pound. He smiled, going into a daydream, admiring her before his sister came into view, and it all faded. He shyed down before the group got up and left the gym. Daeho's eyes kept searching for her, but he couldn't find her. He was desperate to talk to her, but he knew he couldn't because she was close with his sister. This fact tore Daeho apart. "Daeho's being weird again~" Namwoo sang which knocked Daeho out of his daydream. "Huh?"
"Gosh this is embarrassing. All you do is daydream!" Namwoo ranted and Daeho gave a confused look, and he looked to Sunwon, seeming to want an answer, but all Sunwon did was shrug. "The man obviously has problems on his mind." He commented and Daeho furrowed his eyebrows. "It's not a problem! It's called me being annoyed because it's all he does" Namwoo spoke and Sunwon raised his eyebrows. "Yo, calm down honest Abe, You might make Dae cry." Sunwon seemed to be serious for a moment, until he laughed. Daeho sighed, looking to the ground. "I'm sorry.." He apologized and Taesoo patted his shoulder, "Don't worry Dae..They're just being rude like how any depressed person is" Taesoo cracked a smile and Sunwon glared at him. "Yah, speak like that again and I'll break your nose"
Taesoo tensed up and Sunwon smirked. "It's scary how much power you have over one person" Daeho commented as he trailed off and Sunwon glanced to him, "Pshh, It's not called having power, its called-"
"Manipulation." Namwoo finished and Sunwon stopped his sentence and glared at them. They walked back into their school, and pushed open the cafeteria door. "I'm still hungry" Taesoo whined, and Daeho agreed, "Well..we could get something in the vending mach-"
"Yah Saeyoon! I didn't know you went here!" A voice called out in the hall and the group turned to see a boy chasing after a group of 3 people, and the sharp eyed boy following after. Once Daeho noticed the situation, he slowly backed up away from the other 3 and slid into the other hall where he quickly walked to his classroom.
Sunwon and the others stood, watching the exchange. "I don't go here. I go to Inyun."
"No I didn't mean it like that.. I just meant...I didn't know you were this close to our school." He spoke and the girl looked him up and down. "Thought it said so on my resume?" She confusingly commented and the boy raised his eyebrows. "I didn't read your resume, Only Mrs Gyeon did"
"Right, then how did Sky know I was 15?"
The boy seemed stumped but he quickly came up with an answer, "Because.. Sky is Sky. She can be nosy"
"Ok, Hicheol. Let's let your friends get to their school. We don't want them to be late." the sharp eyed boy commented and the boy named Hicheol glanced at him. "Oh right, Sorry you guys..Wait, Sae! Who are your friends?" He asked and the girl answered. "Jungmin and Junsu. Now, get to class like Kuyoung said." She spoke and he nodded. Sunwon scoffed before walking away where the others followed, "So Kuyoung does have friends."
"Of course he does!" Namwoo spoke and Sunwon groaned. "Wait, Where's Daeho?" Taesoo asked and the group stopped in their tracks and looked around. Sunwon glanced around for a bit more before shrugging. "Must had to shit." Sunwon commented as he began to walk. Namwoo glanced at him after realizing what he said. "What?" He asked
"You heard me." Sunwon replied and the two stood confused with the comment.

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