Chapter 6

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The sounds of a busy street had sounded around him. Cars drove by on the road, as it led to a city, with a plaza down the street. Daeho had been standing on a bridge. A bridge that crossed over a highway under it. He glanced to the sign, "Ohsang Bridge"
He remembered when he first found this place. It was his first night in Seoul, after saving up from busking and doing volunteer work for pounds- he found this bridge, and felt pulled to it; almost like it mesmerized him. It was a way to calm him, besides the park down the road...
His eyes trailed down to the highway under the bridge, and he glanced to the modern brick ground. What had happened at school went through his head over and over again. It almost tortured him- and the more he thought about it, the more he grew confused whether or not he had really liked Mina. He had never felt this way for a girl before, not even with Mina. "Khang Junsu" He mouthed, and he smiled, his ears going red. It made him embarrassed. He wasn't used to crushes. Sure he had a crush on Mina, but it didn't make him that crazy. But the thought hit him again...She didn't like him. It was made so obvious so quickly. Yet his mind still thrived on the way they looked at each other. Daeho's eyes went to the cars under him again before sighing out. His mind went to the reason for that conversation...the trauma.
It had been the way things were handled that day, and how he didn't have any time to explain it to his sister. In that moment, he was a villain- and technically he was.
At least Daeho did know that what he did was bad, but he knew as well that he still took a life, which was the worst thing you could do. He just wished, none of it happened. Maybe if it never did happen, he would be more open, more-
"Daeho!" a voice rang, which made Daeho quickly turn around and he saw Sunwon with Mina and another friend. Sunwon had a dumb smile.

"Gosh...I'm so happy you can join us" Sunwon beamed with a giggle as Daeho sat concerned. He looked around at the place, "Uhm..Sunwon. This is a pub" Daeho whispered, which made the other scoff, "Uhh yeah! Ohsang pub is the best pub around here" He muttered, yet he was still loud. Daeho sat concerned before Sunwon rolled his eyes, "Oh shut up I see it in your eyes. "Sunwon...babe...honey munchkin~ We aren't aloud to drink~ At least from the bottle so let me drink from your lips-"
"Ok ok "Cho" Shut up" Mina spoke out and Sunwon stopped and looked at her.
Daeho tensed up, getting uncomfortable, "I see soju..on the table Sunwon.." He explained and Sunwon looked him up and down. "So drink it"
"What?" Daeho's face dropped. "Drink it. I dare you. And then I dare you to make out with Mina"
"Sunwon-" Mina spoke, but Sunwon shushed her. She glared at him, "Daeho, why do you always make a big fucking deal about the smallest things?"
Daeho's eyes furrowed, "Smallest things? Really? You think it's small because you don't care but in reality, which I don't think you are a part of- its a huge deal." Daeho explained and Sunwon looked him up and down with a glare. "You suddenly think you're so fucking tough huh?" Sunwon got up, and Mina put her hand on his shoulder, "Sunwon, stop you're drunk-"
"If you think you are so fucking tough for once then why the hell won't you punch me dae!"
"Because we are friends and friends don't punch each other!" Daeho stood up as well, which caused Mina to shield him. "Maybe if you actually had sense and knew how to act like a friend you would k-"
The boy then got striked, causing him to go down to the ground. Daeho sat confused, before looking up. He had a doe eyed look, looking at Sunwon with a torn look. "Sunwon.." he muttered and Sunwon glared at him, "Shut up. And get out"
"" Daeho spoke and Sunwon raised his fist up again before Mina pushed him away from Sunwon. "Leave him alone. You're drunk so stay away from him"
Sunwon stared at Daeho before his eyes went to Mina. "Daeho.." he whined suddenly. "I was hoping tonight we would have fun.." He muttered and Daeho only stared concerned. Sunwon took the hint before laughing. What the hell was going through his head? "You know what just fucking leave." Sunwon glared before going back to the table. Daeho sat on the ground, confused before Mina grabbed his arm and let him up. "Its best if you leave Dae..I'm sorry. Sunwon just seems way..violent tonight. I don't want you getting hurt anymore." Mina whispered over the chatter in the pub. Daeho stared at her before nodding, which Mina smiled at, and she hugged him. "Hey, let's hang out sometime ok? I'll spoil you" She beamed and Daeho's worried look turned into a small smile. Daeho walked out with his head down, and he felt the breeze ruffle his hair. Daeho put his hands in his pockets before making his way back to the bridge. "That was a waste of time.." He muttered under his breath before he looked back to the pub, Sunwon was staring outside of the door before he put his head down and ruffled his hair, going back inside. Daeho could tell he felt guilty. Daeho redirected his eyes to the front of him before approaching the ledge of the bridge again. It was the sudden feeling of overwhelmed and guilt that washed over him. Today wasn't his day it seemed.
His best friend just punched him, a girl he seemed interested in already hated him, and he felt guilty about Mina. His eyes landed on cars before he rested his chin on the bar, his arms propping him up.
"What is wrong with me.." He thought, signing out.
Maybe he was cursed to live this way. Cursed with attention, but cursed with bad luck.
Was there even a reason he was alive? His thoughts went downhill quickly.
He was a criminal.
Glancing to the moon in the sky, he remembered how Saeyoon was obsessed with space. How she would talk for hours to the moon.
He missed that....He missed hearing her talk.
Daeho closed his eyes, feeling the breeze, but opening them again and he leaned forward, seeing how far the bridge was from the highway below. He closed his eyes again before pushing himself further, the bar digging into his stomach. He was trying to fall off.
Daeho lost balance quickly before someone grabbed him by the hood, and pulled him back. He panicked before opening his eyes, and he looked around before seeing Junsu making direct eye contact with him. "Its not worth it." She spoke giving a long stare. Daeho stared speechless before She scoffed and shook her head. She looked away before continuing down the bridge. "Junsu! Stop! You're walking too fast!" A boy yelled. It was that friend she had. "Jungmin, if you can't even keep up, then maybe you should work out more." He heard a girl's voice say. It was deep but soft. It was his sisters. Daeho panicked before facing the highway and he pulled the hood over his head to restrict them from seeing him. "Are you saying I'm fat?" The boy named Jungmin inquired and Saeyoon groaned, "No." She called out, "So stupid.." She muttered.
"I'll quit walking fast" Junsu spoke up as she stopped the fast pace.
Daeho's eyes watched the cars as he listened along. "Junsu..why are you even acting like this?" Jungmin asked and the girl stopped in her tracks and looked at Jungmin. "A lot of things have happened today" She mentioned and Daeho perked his head up. "Plus, I just don't feel like I am for him."
"Soonkyo?" Jungmin asked and he laughed "Goodness Junsu, I'm really seeing your downward spiral" He joked and Junsu went towards him and slapped him on the shoulder. Daeho eyes fell before he glanced in the way of the group. "Soonkyo?" He muttered and his eyes fell to the pavement as he looked back to the highway. "You two are like children.." Saeyoon commented and Jungmin looked towards her, "Huh? And suddenly you're not the younger one?"
"Even if i'm younger, I act more mature than both of you combined." Saeyoon spat out and Daeho smiled. It was the snarky Saeyoon he knew.
Saeyoon had always been sweet and dorky, like her brother, but she had a snarky and rude side to her as they grew up. Even if she didn't talk much, it showed in the letters she used to slip under Daeho's door.
Jungmin gave a sarcastic hum, "Junsu.." He trailed off looking at Junsu who looked to him. "I think it would be a good idea.." He trailed off again, Saeyoon crossed her arms. "To grab Sae and throw her off the bridge!" Jungmin inquired which made Saeyoon's arms drop, and she ran. Jungmin laughed and went after her, "Saeyoon! I'll make it quick!"
"Jungmin!" Junsu yelled after the two, and soon loud footsteps faded away.
Daeho stood alone again, before he looked around and put his hood down. Daeho's black hair brushed into his face as he sighed out, "She seems to be having fun.." Daeho talked to himself, but he felt sad. He wanted to be a part of that...
Although he had already been a part of a friend group, he wanted to be a part of his sister's life. He promised her when she had asked one day.

Those Days - Ji Daeho [Rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now