part 13

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Jimin felt powerless. He had no idea where he was and he was cold and hungry and had no way out. He felt like shit. He wanted Yoongi. He had only been here for a little over a day. He felt like it was Taemin who did this, and his suspicions were proved as he came strolling into the room Jimin was held.

The room was plain white with one bed and wardrobe in there. There were no windows and as far as Jimin could tell, there weren't any heaters either. Jimin woke up 4 hours after being held here and he was met with nothing. Literally. When he woke up he thought he died and was in heaven after seeing the white walls.

But no, it's not his time right now. Men soon filled the room as soon as he heard dark and powerful footsteps outside his door. He was scared. He had never been in a situation like this and he hated it. But because of Yoongi, he has faith he could handle it. The thought of the elder calmed down his nerves a little, but only for a while.

But now, as sooon as he heard those footsteps, he knew it was his que to sit up as he was lying down before. And finally, that dreaded face he wished to forget appeared once again in front of him. He looked kind of different. His hair had gone longer and the ends were dyed blue. So a little different.

Jimin hadnt seen him since he slapped him and broke up with him. He tried everything to forget him, but no. He just had to stroll right back into Jimin's life. He had a dark scowl but it soon changed into a smirk.

"Longtime no see chim" he called him the name he use to call him when they were still together. This made Jimin glare holes in the others head.

"Don't you fucking dare call me that" Jimin snapped. He couldn't hold it anymore. How blind was he when he dated this asshole.

"Aww, do you hate me that bad?" He fake pouted and Jimin felt disgusted. He hates him with a passion

"The fuck do you want with me? Why am I here?" He asked with a scowl painted across his featured and arms crossed. Taemin just smirked again. Jimin had always been feisty

"Don't worry, I'll let you go as soon as your lover boy does something for me."

"He won't do shit for you" Yoongi might want to get Jimin out but he won't sacrifice his pride for it.

"We'll see. Y'know, I use to be your lover boy, why did you leave me?" He pouted again and Jimin couldn't help but scoff. The audacity the man has.

"Yeah cuz I definitely wouldn't leave the guy who cheated on me with some hoe for 2 years. Grow a brain" he faced away from Taemin not being able to even look at him without remembering that hateful memory.

Taemin could tell he wouldn't be able to get through to Jimin today so he just left. Jimin hated it so much. He just hoped Yoongi would find him soon before Taemin looses his patience. His temper is really bad when he's angry.

Jimin had no idea what he got himself into, what was he thinking dating a mafia boss. This is an everyday thing for Yoongi. Fighting and killing and drugs and whatever else the other does.

But he loves Yoongi. Yes, love. He realised a few days ago that he's in love with the blond and wants to be by his side. He wants to tell the elder, but when. He knows Yoongi will ask his opinion on the underworld and if he's ready to be a part of it.

He already chose yes. Even if it meant getting abducted every other day. He knew Yoongi would protect him at all costs and so he chose his world.

Yoongi on the other hand had no idea where to start. He's never had this issue before but Jimin had made him weak. He was powerful and had all control. He had everything he needed to look. But he needed to concentrate.

He had leads on where Taemins base is, but it turned out he had a few. A few as in 3. They were located in completely different places. The main one was in Korea, the second was in Japan and one in the USA.

Yoongi thought Jimin would be here in the main one. But there were still issues. Issues about security and all that. Taemin seemed he had everything planned out for Yoongis arrival. He doubled his security too.

This wasn't going to be an easy job and Yoongi knew that. But he would do anything for the boy he loved.

Back to Jimin though. He was starving and he may have spoken too soon. About 20 minutes after Taemin left, another boy entered. He looked the same age as Yoongi and had blazing red hair. He looked friendly, but Jimin had learned that looks can be deceiving.

"Hi, you okay?" He asked but Jimin gave no reply. The other sighed and set a tray of food down on the bed. "Im Jung Hosoek. Im not going to hurt you. I just thought you might be hungry."

Again, Jimin gave no reply and simply ignored him. This one seems nice though, naturally. He wasn't trying to be an asshole and Jimin could see that.

"This really wasn't my idea, if I had know someone innocent would be abducted, I wouldn't have asked of this. If it was up to me, you wouldn't even be here in the first place and for that, im sorry. Believe me or not." After saying that, Hoseok left Jimin alone.

What did the boy mean he wouldn't have asked. Asked for what. What did he want and what was he after. And why was Jimin involved. All these questions circled Jimins mind but he had the answer to none.

He had seen enough movies to think the food might have poison in it, but it looked too tempting. So ate a little anyway. He wanted to honestly cry. He had been abducted by his lying cheating ex and his actual boyfriend was nowhere to be seen.

Hopefully when, if, Yoongi finds him, he's going to learn how to fight. It would really help. He knew what he wanted and he was going to fight for it.

Yoongi was stressing out so much. He wanted to scream out in frustration (trustfration. Sorry I'll stop) but he knew he couldn't. He had found the base and was trying to hack into the security system for it, even though it was Namjoons job. 

He has done too much for him already and wasn't going to ask for more. He was on a mission anyway. Yoongi realised that he could take the easy way out and just give Taemin his supplies back, but he had pride. Besides, it's a coward move to use someone's loved ones against them and Yoongis wasn't going to let him get away with that.

Yoongi felt like it was a little more than that though. That there's something Taemin is trying to get back at him for. It couldn't be Jimin, they broke up a long time ago and Yoongis pretty sure he doesn't want him back since he did cheat on him. Then what?

Maybe it was someone else that wanted revenge from Yoongi and they asked Taemin to do it for them. There were many possibilities but Yoongis main priority was Jimin.

He couldn't loose him like he lost......


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