Part 16

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Happy birthday to my world. My entire reason for smiling every day. Thank you for being there for me when no one else was. 🥰💜🎂🥳💜❤️ happy 29th birthday Min Yoongi💜 I love you


"I don't know" how was he suppose to feel. Sad, angry or happy?

"I guess, it was weird seeing him again. After all, all he left me with was a note saying 'we're done' and that's it. I knew it was because I left him but he could have talked to me about it."

Yoongi felt hurt that Hoseok wouldn't just talk to him and left without a word. He had to leave or hundereds of lives would be lost, including their own but he doesn't get why Hoseok couldn't see that.

"You got a note and I got a text huh. We're both not that different then" the younger had voiced and Yoongi laughed a little at his adorableness.

"Are you okay though, honestly? You found out who Taemin was cheating with. How do you feel?" He was worried the younger wouldn't get over it and it would affect him somehow.

"I feel like I have closure." Yoongi smiled. That's all he wanted. "it was a shock that it was him. And they took me because Hoseok wanted revenge and he asked Taemin to do it?" He asked wanting confirmation.

"My little baby mochi is cleaver." He kissed him and Jimin giggled. "But yeah. I guess that's what it was. Although I believe Hoseok wanted to shoot me but couldn't. He was never able to hold a gun before either"

He always knew Taemin had other motives and not just the drugs, since he had enough of those. I guess it was just Hobi all along, he thought.

They talked for a little more while and Jimin had soon fallen asleep in Yoongis arms. The blond asked the nurse if he could take him to his room and she said yes but to be careful.

So he picked him up bridal style, Jimins arms automatically going around his neck as he carried him to his own room, not Jimins. He lay the younger down and went to go change into something else more comfortable before going to lay beside his boyfriend once again.

Jimin looks ethereal. His beauty always shone brighter than a thousand stars. His silver hair made him look even more angelic. He was beautiful while asleep. Yoongi couldn't have been more lucky to find someone like him. He didn't deserve something so pure and innocent. He was killer, but was given an angel.

He kissed him on his head and left a note for him before leaving. He still had a mission. He never gave up on his revenge, before Jimins abduction, he still use to go out to spy. He's been spying on the CEO for a while so he could find the perfect time to strike and kill.

He still hasn't told Jimin, of course not. How would he react if Yoongi just randomly said, 'hey I actually met you just to kill your asshole of a father.' Not the most cleaver idea. Jimin might hate him after this but he has to understand he had to do this.

He had found out the man doesn't do much but stay in his office or home. Oh, and the club a lot. He hated what the man did and he had a son too. Yoongi felt even more rage wash over him because of it. He would hate to tell Jimin that.........

He sleeps around. Multiple women every other day, or night. Yoongi knew Jimin didn't know. So now he was heading over to the CEO's building in his matte black Maserati. He was dressed in all black and 2 guns strapped to his waist. He had a bigger one in the back of his car too.

He didn't want to tell anyone what he plans to do today, although Taehyung knew but Yoongi never took him with him on these stake outs so he doesn't know where the elder is headed. And Yoongi convinced him this was something he needed to do on his own. But...... he doesn't normally have that many guns on him. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, he plans to kill, today.

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