Part 24

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"Why bring me and not Tae, he's the better sniper" the younger one asked and Yoongi didn't really have an answer

"I don't know. When I thought of someone to come with me, you were the first person that popped into my head for some reason" he explained, trying to keep his eyes on the road since he was driving.

"Have you told Jimin. Not just what you're doing but why? Does he know?" Namjoon asked and Yoongi shook his head. On the way to the CEO's building, Yoongi explained everything to Namjoon.

"So, how long have you been watching him?"

"A while. 6 or 7 months maybe. But I never saw Jimin until the 4th month. So he doesn't hang around with his dad a lot." Namjoon nodded and readied his weapons as they were almost at the entry point.

"We could have had a whole squad. I'm not understanding why it's just us" things would be done so much faster if they had their team.

"Because, it's a simple get in get out situation. We don't need a crowd. And if it's just us, we'll be able to get in unnoticed. Even if a squad is faster, it's messier. Explain to me how we're gonna get a squad in unnoticed."

Yoongi had a point. It was just a simple kill task. No big messes to clean up and nothing to deal with except the guards outside the door. It would be easy but Namjoon still wished Yoongi would have told Jimin.

The two men loaded their weapons and hid them beneath their clothes. They know there were those machines to detect weapons but Namjoon already hacked that in the car as it wasn't a difficult task.

They were both dressed in black suits, looking like really hot business men coming to do business with another CEO, so hopefully getting in won't be too difficult. They walked side by side, passing a few guards who asked them some minor questions about what they're doing here, but soon let them pass. They walked into the elevator and went to the top floor, most likely where the boss should be.

They walked carefully down the hall, but not too slow or they would look suspicious. They saw some guards up ahead walking to their direction. Once the guards reached them, they had the two mafias stopped.

"What are you doing up here?" One of them asked. He had a buff build and could easily knock them both out. But little did he know they were ten times better as mafias.

"We have a meeting with the CEO, Park Yunjae." Namjoon spoke.
(If you hadn't realised, I changed his name in the second chapter and here too because I didn't realise I used the name twice for two different people)

"He doesn't have any meetings today. Are you sure you're scheduled for today?" The man insisted and Yoongi was getting annoyed.

"I'm sure. You're welcome to ask" he said in a cold voice. The men still seemed suspicious though.

"What are your names?" He asked Yoongi was getting a little pisseed now so he replied

"Does the name Suga mean anything to you?" He said darkly and even saw the three guards flinch

"Yoongi!" Namjoon mumbled, only loud enough for him to hear. "What are you doing?"

"Getting this done" as soon as Yoongi said that, he leaped at the guards and Namjoon sighed, soon following his lead.

Everyone knows the famous mafia lord Suga. Not his real name obviously but they knew who he was and that he was feared. However he was that powerful, no one was ever able to catch him or even see what he looks like. These guards will die anyway so no harm in telling his name.

After beating up all three guards, Yoongi shot them in the head. He had his silencer on so no one heard, but soon, no one will care.

"That wasn't the plan Yoongi." Namjoon voiced out.

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