023. "decay too far gone absorbing no light or water"

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01:03 ─❁────────── 01:80

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This time it's my turn to send them

I will reach you and your thoughts


          THE WHISTLE ECHOED SHRILLY IN the cold, still air; the stands erupted with cheers and applause; without looking to see what the other champions were doing, Harry pulled off his shoes and socks, pulled the handful of gillyweed out of his pocket, stuffed it into his mouth, and waded out into the lake.

Lucia edged forward, nearing the bank but was held back by Neville and Astoria before she could do anything reckless. Faintly through the murk water, Lucia saw Harry still chewing the gillyweed as hard and fast as he could. He was waist-deep in the freezing water he stopped, swallowed, and waited for something to happen.

"What's the matter with him?" asked Seamus immediately.

"What's he waiting for?" Dean said.

"He better get in that water and come out first, because I betted that he'll be first!" said Fred. "Oi, Harry —"

"Settle down, Weasley. You are going to pressure him to the point that he'll end up last just out of spite and you'll never get your money," spoke Erin, appearing beside the group of Gryffindors and Astoria out of nowhere. They jumped at her sudden presence.

"Merlin's beard, why do you keep doing that!" George gasped, a hand over his heart.

Erin shrugged, chewing on her licorice wand. "A force of habit,"

"Is it all right for you to be here with us?" Astoria asked the older Slytherin.

"Is it all right for us to be here with them, you mean," said Erin, before shrugging once more. "It's fine, Astoria. Draco would not dare snitch to Father,"

"Didn't he —"

"He learnt his lesson from the last time," there was a chilling ominous tone to her words, in which no one had the courage to question. Not even Fred and George.

Laughter filled the stands, echoing against the nature that surrounded them. Lucia clenched her fist together, biting her lip. They were making fun of him, and she didn't like it. But she solely focused on Harry, who she began to worry about as he started to shiver violently. The stands were being merciless to him, laughter becoming louder, and there were evident catcalls and jeering from majority of the Slytherins...

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now