Chapter TWELVE

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(Two Days Later)

Esme Knight's (POV)

Blinking around the room I stretch yawning when I feel something in my mouth, frowning I move my lips before reaching up to take whatever it is out. Yawning again I see I am in the living room on the couch so once I see what I have in my hand I blush in shock. Looking around in a slight panic I whimper and set up but as I do there is something padded on my hips and bottom. Fully setting I shiver looking down I am in a footie onesie and a diaper I think. Whimpering I look around sniffling how did I get dressed like this and why and, and who?! Wiping my eyes, I am still at Elena's so I know she must be the one and that means she found out I am a little.

Crying I'm petrified that she will find me grose but then she must have been caring for me if I am like this, whimpering I take the blanket that was on me and wrap it around me rocking myself. Hearing foot falls I whimper trying to get as far into the corner as I can, sniffling I look around when I see Elena holding a bottle and mug. She pauses first before smiling lightly and walking more into the room she sets them on the coffee table before setting down on the other end of the couch.

Gripping the blanket, I whimper, and she sighs saying, "Hi baby." Wiping my eyes and nose I keep watching her as she nods saying, "I know love you must be so confused and scared huh." Nodding slightly, I nibble my lip as she smiles saying, "Well, after you told Kelly and I your story baby you were so, so upset and slipped into a newborn state." Blinking she knows what happened sniffling I relax a little as she scoots closer a little saying, "You have been so tiny for about five days now baby." Sniffling looking around again I look back at her mumbling out, "Y-You n-not d-disgusted w-wif me?" slipping a little I shiver hoping she won't be, as I watch her she smiles scooting closer again saying, "Never baby girl you being little is as natural as me being a mommy." Blinking I set up a little and she smiles bigger at that saying, "You are safe with me honey promise and I have loved taking care of you the last few days. I know you probably got a lot of questions and are still worried and scared huh." Sniffling I nod and she does the same as she moves closer again saying, "Now can I hold you sweetheart? I was wondering when you would slip back to your big self."

Whimpering I let go of the blanket and crawl to her and she picks me up hugging me tightly to her, crying I cling to her snuggling in as she pats my back and bottom saying, "I know baby girl I got you." Nodding I hide my face in her neck sniffling as she says, "Someone needs a new nappy huh." Blushing I shiver but nod as she stands up moving saying, "Esme baby you are not disgusting you hear me never think that of yourself yeah."

Gripping her shirt again I nod and feel us moving up the stairs as she pats my bottom asking, "Do you remember anything while you were little baby?" shaking my head I snuggle more into her as she nods saying, "That's ok baby you were so little hmm." Hearing a door close then feeling her go to lay me down I whimper clinging to her not wanting her to lay me down, or me see her face cause I know I will cry more. she sighs holding me close again rocking me and pacing saying, "I know but I promise your safe yeah, if you weren't I would have done something days ago."

Smiling at that I relax some nodding before suddenly yawning and she chuckles kissing my cheek saying, "Come on I know you don't like that wet nappy right now." pursing my lips I sigh nodding, so she goes to lay me down again and I let her once I am laying on my back I blush as she rubs my stomach saying, "Oh nothing to be embarrassed about baby I have seen all of you huh." Shivering I look away blushing more and she chuckles before kissing my head saying, "So cute." She moves to the end of the bed and grabs a diaper bag before getting things out and all I can think is that I am shocked she is a mommy and also happy she is too. But right now, that I am big it's all new like she is doing this for the first time, yet she has been caring for me for days now.

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