The quirk awakening

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A few months later, Izuku's had been training his body and now he looks like:

A few months later, Izuku's had been training his body and now he looks like:

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One day, Izuku was returning home from the shop. When he heard help coming from the alleyway, he ran to see seven thugs trying to do something to two girls and a boy unconscious while bleeding.

Thug 1: Hello beautiful girls, would you like to have fun with us?

Two of them was holding them tightly and the others was trying her clothes. The girls cried and plied them to stop.

???: No!! Please no!!

???: Stop!! Please stop!!

Izuku: Stop right there!

The thugs see Izuku

???: Please Help us!!!

Thug 1: Shut it, boy leave or you don't want to die!!

Izuku: No!!

Izuku then and tried to punched one of the thugs. But the thug used his quirk and Izuku's fist went through the thug's face. Two thugs attacked Izuku and he got knocked to the wall. The 3 of the thugs laugh and beat Izuku up. They taunt him and said he was weak. Izuku remembers what his bullies and parents did to him, they called him weak and useless also tortured him. Izuku was so angry, his eyes glowed green. Green flames was covering Izuku body, his hair started to glow bright green. The thugs are confused for a minute but them Izuku throw a blast of green flames at the thugs. They were injured with small burns on their bodies and Izuku passed out.

Hours later

Izuku woke up in a hospital bed, he was very exhausted. A Doctor came in to check on me. Soon my dad came and was so worried on where I was and I explained why. I ask the doctor what happened? He said that I awakened my quirk and it is called Emerald fire. It allows the user to manipulate and breath Green flames also I can control it at will. It drawback is that when the user use it too much, I will get dehydrated and explain that the girls and the boy I saved are fine. They left an hour ago and left a card with the words 'Thank you'.After we left my dad was very happy that I got a quirk. Hisashi helped control my quirk.

Meanwhile with the Yagis

The parents were training Izumi with her quirk and OFA. One day, she was practicing to use OFA on Takoba beach.

Toshinori: Now Izumi, use OFA on that broken truck.

Izumi tried and broke her arm.

Izumi: Ouch my arm!!

Toshinori was wondering why Izumi was not having a grasp of OFA. He told her once she can control it, she must use OFA on Izuku. If we can found him.
Izumi grin creepy and agreed.

Toshinori: So Izumi, how much of OFA can you use again?

Izumi: Four percent of OFA

Toshinori was confused on why Izumi could only use a little of OFA and he was trying to figure it out.

Toshinori and Izumi went home and were talking Inko about Izumi's development of OFA. They thought that Izumi needs more practice but they were wrong. Little did they know that the previous OFA users were watching them and they were not happy.

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