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The class were sitting in class, listening to Mr Aizawa.

Aizawa: Today class, We have a new student. His name is Shinso Hitoshi. Shinso introduce yourself.

Shinso: My name is Shinso Hitoshi and my quirk is Brainwashing.

He was nervous that his new class would think his quirk was villainous but to his surprise, everyone except Izumi, Katsuki and Katsumi who were just stare at him with glares. The rest were asking him questions about his quirk. Like how does it work and stuff.

Aizawa: Now, we are going to choose a class representative.

The class were fighting about who should be class representative. Lida said that they would vote. They voted.

Aizawa: Ok. Midoriya and Momo the class representative.

Katsuki and Katsumi: You extras, who voted for Deku?

Izumi: Yeah!!

The class ignored them, while Lida was cursing himself for not getting being Class representative.

Aizawa: Today, we are going to the USJ. Please change into your hero costumes or sport uniforms.

The class agreed and went to the USJ. They meet the Space hero, Thirteen.

Uraraka: Oh my god, Its my favorite hero, Thireen!!

Thirteen: Hello Class. Today, we will be training our quirks because some quirks can cause damage and can hurt someone.

They entered the USJ. Thirteen explained the areas. Soon they saw a purple portal open in the center of the USJ and people came out.

Kirishima: Are those people helping us or something?

Aizawa: No, those are villains!!

The class were scared. Aizawa jumped off and started to fight off the villains.

Thirteen: Kamanari, can you please contact the school?

Kamanari: Im trying but it's not working.

Momo: Wait, aren't they alarms in the USJ?

Thirteen: Yes, they are maybe one of the villains have a quirk that made a alarms go off. Lida please go to the school and get him.

A purple mist villain with yellow eyes came to them.

???: We are the League of villains and we are for All might.

Shigaraki: All might is not here but maybe killing a few students will bring him here.

Katsuki and Katsumi attacked him with explosives. The villain was tackled to the ground. Aizawa finally was finished fighting the villains. The mist villain warped them to the areas around the USJ.

Shigaraki: Well, you finally finished but this was just the beginning. Nomu attack!!

The Nomu ran and punched Aizawa. Aizawa was flying backwards.

Meanwhile with Izuku

He was falling but used his quirk and landed in the fire zone. A villain attacked him but Ojiro used his tail and hit the villain.

Izuku: Thank you, Ojiro.

Ojiro: No problem. Let's go find the others.

They found the others and more villains appeared. They began to fight the villains. Izuku covered his fists with fire and punch some of the villains.

Meanwhile with Aizawa

He is laying on the floor with blood on his face. The Nomu was holding his face.

Shigaraki: Wow, you think you can defeat the thing that can kill All might.

Shigaraki sees three students in the bushes and goes to the bush, slowly puts his hand on Asui. Aizawa uses his quirk and nothing is happened. Shinso sees this and uses his scarf and grabs Shirgaraki's hand. He throws Shirgaraki back and Nomu catches him.

Shirgaraki: You Brat!! Nomu kill him!!

Izuku flies with his quirk and blasts a big fireball at the Nomu. Nomu gets burned but regenerates.

Shirgaraki laughed

Shirgaraki: You are a fool!! This Nomu has a regeneration quirk including several other quirks.

Izuku got an Idea. Shoto, Izumi and Katsumi arrived. Izuku went to Shoto and whispered something into his ear. Shoto nods. They both attacked the Nomu. Shoto trapped Nomu in ice and he and Izuku used their fire quirks. They blasted a powerful blast at the Nomu. Nomu was burned and fell to the floor.

Shirgaraki: What the hell!! How did you defeat it? It has the power to kill All might!!

Izuku: Yeah but fire can burn it, even if it has regeneration.

Shirgaraki was angry and ran to Izuku, he was planning to kill him. But the mist villain stopped him and told him that they had to leave. The mist villain warped him and Shirgaraki away.

Everyone looked to see that All might had arrived.

All might: I am h-

Everyone: LATE!!

All might sweat dropped. The police and medical help arrived. The police questioned everyone and everyone went back to the school.

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