My Slave

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Light's pov-

When I wake up all I see is black ... what is going on ?!

Oh yeah I forgot I have a blindfold on, and now I have some clothes on .

He must've cared enough to put clothes on me .

He probably put clothes on me because its kinda cold in this room.

"Light... your finally mine " , I feel his lips on mine.

My mouth opens a little and his tongue goes inside it.

He makes out with me til I'm out of breath .

When he breaks away a line of our spit runs off his tongue .

I know this because I feel some of it drop on my face .

"R-Ryusaki?" , I say faintly .

He doesn't answer and picks me up to a bed of some sort .

I feel my chain being hooked to the bed .

Too bad I can't see anything , to see him would be wonderful .

I feel him pull me closer to him in his sleep.

He says ," my light ", in his sleep .

I must be delusional to think that he said that.

I fall asleep just thinking about it .

In lights dream ,

I feel hands all over my body a shock of pleasure and lust runs through my body .

"Ah! Ryusaki ", I know it is him I've felt these hands before , cold as ice but very big.

"Light you'll never escape me ", he says with a big thrust into me .

"Ahhh! ", I wake up with a bolt still with the blindfold on .

Ryusaki please don't notice , I feel my erection through my pants .

But he gets up immediately , Damn it !

"Light... what going on ?" , He says probably looking at me .

I don't answer him and I feel heat rush to my face as I cum in the bed thinking about the dream .

"Light why is the bed wet?", he feels over the area and licks his fingers .

I hear him mumble ,"sweet".

- what will happen next ?

I'll finish the rest of this in the next chapter.

Love ,


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