My Love

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After I hear the word sweet I feel blood rush to my face . He takes off the blindfold.

"What were you dreaming about light and why is your face red", his hand slides over my erection.

"Mm!", I hold my voice and I turn away from him,

I feel his weigh shift closer to me an I feel his body pressed against mine.

"Does light have some kind of sweet treat that he is hiding " , His fingers circle my erection.

"Of course n-Ah!", the fingers start to grope me and I just realized I'm only in an shirt and boxers.

"Let me see this tasty treat ", he pulls the blanket off me and pulls my erection out.

"Ryusaki... don't " I try to stop him but his mouth is already engulfing my member " Mm..Ah!"

"Light you taste better than any sweet I've tasted", he licks the cum running down it .

"Hah..hah..", my god that felt kinda good.

But in spit of that I lay on my belly with my face in the pillow.

He climbs onto my back pressing his body against mine and I realize he has an erection now .

Here's my chance ill humiliate him. At that moment my boxers are pulled down and he pulls my hips up .

He starts licking me , putting his tongue inside me.

"Ahh hah !", what is he doing?!

He stops and pulls away , then I see lust in his eyes. And he pulls his zipper down.

"You know light i'll devour your body like a piece of candy", he says then he pulls me on his erection.

"Ahhh!", I feel him sliding inside of me .

He thrusts and thrusts , unwanted moans come from my mouth

And Our climax we both cum at the same time .

"Hey light , did you know there are cameras in this room", he says with a perverted grin and my cum on his face.

He licks the cum off and I lay on him still in our position.

We both fall asleep and I wake up in the afternoon .

He is still inside of me and in attempt to get up I fall back down on his still throbbing erection .

"Ah!", I moan quietly.

L murmurs in his sleep , " Light your ass is so tight and sexy ".

- Are you guys prepared for round two ? Well I am xD.

Love ,


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