Chapter 2

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Hailey was pissed off! It was March 15th and she had five days to give a proposal for a campaign she really wanted and the idea she had. She growled again, tore the thick paper from the tablet and threw it in the overflowing trash can. Realizing that the trash was spilling over the can, she got up even more pissed and yanked out the bag. She stomped it out to the trash cans that were at the edge of the driveway waiting to be picked up the next day.

"You ok Hales?" She heard Carter ask.

Hailey instantly calmed down when she heard his voice. She had no idea why, but since she had met him, anytime he was around, he calmed her and made her feel different. And since he was Dan's best friend AND lived next door, they were around each other a lot. She called him to fix things when Dan was out of town, the three of them had dinner together at each other's houses and they talked all the time. They even went out on double dates when Dan was in town and Carter was dating a new lady after his divorce.

"Yeah, things aren't going the way I want on this design. I'm trying to get it right and the trash was overflowing with failed attempts!" Hailey bemoaned.

Carter chuckled, "I know how that goes when I'm designing a building. Maybe it would be better if you walked away for the day, then tried again tomorrow? I find that works for me."

"Yeah, I was thinking about doing that already. How's the new house coming?" Hailey asked.

"It's going well. Permits are coming through and construction is going well. I forgot how much work went into restoring old houses, but I'm excited to see it coming together. You and Dan will have to come out once I move," Carter said, feeling a sadness creep into his chest when he thought about leaving her.

"I've never been to Georgia, or to the south for that matter. Only Florida for Spring Break in college, but it's Mexico for Dan. My parents like Europe or Hawaii, so we went there growing up. But I want to see other tropical places. I think it would be wonderful to see what you created, what you designed Carter," Hailey said wistfully.

"Then I will make it happen Hales...Dan coming home today?" Carter asked.

"Yeah, should be home about 2...Want to come over for dinner?" She answered.

"I can't, I have a conference call, but I'll come over after."

Hailey smiled and started walking back up the driveway and heard, "Are you sure you're ok Hailey? Any more luck on adoption with Dan?"

Hailey turned and looked at the handsome and sexy man looking at her with concern in his eyes and face and she just shrugged, then turned and kept walking back into a house she hated. She hated the modern design and everything in it. She was miserable with the house and her life in general and had no idea what to do.

Carter watched her walk back to the house and felt his heart ache for her. He knew she was devastated about not being able to have kids and Dan kept coming up with excuses to delay adoption. Carter thought he might change his mind since the deal was done and the paperwork was signed, but he dug in his heels some more.

Carter felt terrible for her and whispered to no one, "I'd take care of you and love you like you deserve, Hailey."

Hailey heard the garage door open and went to the kitchen a few hours later. Dan came in with his rolling luggage and briefcase and looked at her.

"Hey Dan, how was the tr-what's wrong? Are you ok?!" She asked, going up to him and putting her hand on his forehead, feeling for a temperature. He was pale and clammy.

"I'm not feeling so great. My head is killing me. I'm gonna take some migraine meds and take a nap," He mumbled.

"Do you want me to wake you for dinner?" She asked, squeezing his shoulder.

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