Chapter 4

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Friday afternoon arrived and it had been the longest week of Hailey's life. She hadn't eaten much or slept much either. The tension that Vicky brought to an already tense situation was unbelievable. Helen dissolved into tears at one point and Stuart, Vicky's husband, had to take her outside and they had a very loud discussion out in the backyard.

Birdie and George Robbins were shocked to see how Vicky was acting. She was acting like a prima donna and no one quite understood what was happening with her. Sophie, Ashley and Hailey had always gotten along and the two were able to keep Hailey sheltered from the comments and sneers. Carter was doing his best to help with the communications to Dan's work and other friends since Hailey was so overwhelmed.

Carter was sipping his and Dan's favorite brand of bourbon as he watched the people mill around the large house. Vicky pushed and pushed until Hailey gave in from being emotionally exhausted on having a reception after the service at the house. Birdie and Rita almost lost it on Vicky and Helen over their insistence of the party. They both were glad that they never really had to see the bitch anymore after the day.

"You okay son?" George Robbins asked, resting a hand on his son's shoulder.

"Sure," he replied before taking another sip of the liquid to wet his throat, "If we can survive 24 more hours without any bloodshed."

Nodding his head in understanding, "I can honestly say I have never seen two people act so vicious to another human at a funeral."

"I know. Dan would be so pissed right now!"

"Do you want us to stay for the reading of the will tomorrow? We can wait in the living room just to make sure you don't need back up," George asked.

"I think that would be good, just in case," Carter replied gratefully, "Thanks Dad."

Before anything else could be said Candace came bounding up and threw herself into her grandfather's arms with tears swimming in her eyes, "Hi Papa, Hi Daddy."

George loved his oldest grandchild and hugged her tightly, "How are you Love? Are you doing ok with this?"

She nodded, "It's just so sad. Look at Hailey, she looks so sad. I miss Uncle Dan already and I can't imagine what she is feeling!"

Carter walked away to let them talk and walked into the man cave that Dan had and sat on one of the leather couches and sighed.

"How are you holding up Carter?" He heard and turned to see his ex-wife coming up and sitting next to him and put a hand on his leg.

"I'm ok," He smiled weakly.

"You look like shit, so try again," Megan said and took a sip of her water.

He chuckled, "I'm exhausted.

"Birdie told me about the drama. I'm so sorry that you have to deal with that shit. And poor Hailey, I just can't imagine!"

"Yeah Vicky has been a complete bitch and just keeps riling Helen up. It's a fucking mess, if I'm honest," Carter explained.

Carter stopped talking and watched as Hailey walked past the doorway and talked to someone offering condolences and hugging her. Megan watched him, then took another drink of her sparkling water as she observed him.

"So when is everyone going home?"

"Sunday, except Ashley, she is staying the week."

"So, still in love with Hailey?" Megan asked slyly.

Carter choked on his drink and coughed and sputtered, "What?!"

"You forget Carter Robbins, I have known you since we were 19 years old. I know your looks and the way you look at Hailey- I know you are in love with her," Megan said confidently.

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