Going Elite

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(Brandon POV)

So... that happened...

Yeah, we're now officially free agents... I honestly think Dori took the news the hardest. She never let me go and basically cuddled herself to sleep in my lap if you can believe it haha. I eventually slowly got up and carried her to the master bedroom, gently placed her on her side of the bed and tucked her in. I had a feeling it's what she'd want after the news she heard.

After sliding the covers over her, I kissed her forehead and quietly closed the door as I left. I had some Editing commissions and Music to get to, but I made sure to use headphones as to not disturb my punk rock counterpart from her sleep. Might I add, she looks so peaceful in slumber it's... cute. A few hours later, I ended up finishing my work and joined her in bed. I swear I feel like she must've been at least partially awake, or pretending she was asleep, because as soon as I laid down on the bed and got comfy, I felt her hands move from my back over my shoulder, eventually finding my chest and drawing our initials with an X between them.

I chuckled to myself as I slowly moved my head to kiss her. She gladly accepted this notion as her legs overlapped mine from underneath the covers. She pulled away from the kiss to catch her breath for a second.

"Thank you..."

She said softly as if anyone else was around even though no one else was in the house. I didn't mind though.

"Don't mention it... I knew you were asleep and I kinda had stuff to do so..."

We shared a laugh before she opened her eyes. I swear they are the most beautiful ones I've seen in ages... Sorry Becks ahaha.

"Not just for that silly... for being there for me since we met."
She let a slight giggle escape as she continued.

"I mean we've basically.. been a package deal since we started our careers and now with us both being gone..."

"It's kinda like a new chapter or something?"

"Yeah... exactly like that."

She smiled and grabbed for my hand to interlock it with hers.

"Our new chapter..."

I could see the warmth in her eyes and I knew she was right. She soon leaned back in for a kiss and at that moment everything else was a blur.

(End POV)

(Dori POV)

Hey guys! Yup... you're not reading that wrong. After our subsequent firings and like any other firing in WWE, the company hands out a 90... Day... No compete clause. It's... sad, but I guess rules are rules. I mean we already know where we're going so I guess that's the easy part of our return taken care of. It's just the sitting on the shelf that's getting to me and I assume Brandon as well, I mean I asked him about it and... I saw a hint of doubt in his eyes... that's unlike him, but I could understand why.

Either way, him and I were keeping in decent shape in our at home gym counting down the days as they ticked by. Little did we know, someone else knew about us getting canned, and she showed up at our door an hour later.

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