Explosive Statement

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(Dori POV)

Well... that was fun...

Anyways after what can only be described as a POWR-ful debut by both myself and my boyfriend, it was official... Ruby Soho and Brandon Powers we're All Elite! And I couldn't be happier, a new company meant new challenges, wrestlers to face, and (most importantly) championships to win.

After that spectacular show we drove back to the hotel and had a little... fun before bed if you know what I mean... before eventually falling asleep in each other's arms.

The next morning, I woke up on top of him with my head on his chest. If I'm honest, I didn't want to leave, but I knew we had a training session lined up with some old friends at deadboyz, so we had to get going.

I lightly tapped his shoulder in an attempt to wake him. That seemed to do the trick as he soon opened his eyes and locked on to mine.

"Well good morning beautiful..."

He said in his deep yet sexy morning voice.


I giggled a bit stroking his hair back playfully.

"Sleep well?"

I asked semi sarcastically knowing full well the answer to that question.

"Well I mean it was okay, I did have one of the coolest girlfriends in the world to sleep with though so that made it amazing."


I said placing my head back to his chest as more giggles escaped.

"I wonder who that could've been."

We shared a laugh as we snuggled for a little while longer before getting up and preparing for the long day we had. In the words of the late great Brodi Lee, "it's Wednesday, you n on now what that means..." God I miss that guy.

Anyways, prerequisites out of the way, we soon left our Chicago hotel and drove all the way to Davenport Iowa where we met up with Colby, Josh Gallegos, and our old friend Rebecca and put in a BANGER of a workout session. I'm talking in house cardio and an ASS load of Strength training. The pain is well worth the price of admission though, and the results spoke for themselves. Anyways, when we wrapped up and got ready to head out for dynamite, Becks caught us whilst walking to the car.

"Hey you two! Hell of a session huh?"

"Hell yeah! Then again you guys never disappoint."

Brandon replied and I nodded in approval.

"Yeah... you know I miss you guys in WWE..."
Becky said as her jovial expression changed.

"You guys were, and still are insanely talented, and it still confuses me as to why they let y'all go."

"I know... but can't too concerned about it though, we are still wrestling you know."

I said as chuckles echoed from the three of us.

"Right... just because we're out of WWE, doesn't mean our dreams and motives have changed. We're gonna dominate AEW just like we did our previous employer... no exceptions."

Brandon said with determination in his eyes. And you know what... I couldn't agree more. So what if I didn't get a proper singles run in WWE, that doesn't mean shit when I can give it a damn good shot in our new home... and I knew I was ready.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2022 ⏰

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