Little Prologue

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I can feel the air rushing past me as I look up into the cloudy, yet clear blue sky. My ears flop around in the wind and my clothes dance frantically as the tempest of nature crashes into the back side of my body. I do really enjoy this kind of scenery combined with this kind of weather.

But... something seems off.

The clouds look like they're running up away from me into the darker depths of the atmosphere.

All of a sudden, I'm pulled backwards into the ground by some mysterious force. I try to scream but all I do is watch in surprise as the darkness of the planet overtakes me quickly and silently, the blue sky disappearing.

Then I wake up, my eyes shooting open as my body sits up instinctively to see where I am. I breathe a sigh of relief as I survey the area, remembering that I fell asleep on the base of a park tree. Stretching my limbs out, I stand up groggily, feeling the lingering tiredness over my entire body. I take my phone out of my pocket to check the time.

"Hmm... 1:13 pm. I guess I didn't sleep for long. I really didn't get much of a good sleep last night."

It's nice to get out of the house and walk around the neighborhood. It helps me take my mind off of the depressing thoughts that constantly go through my head. Besides, it's summer vacation, so who wouldn't want to relax as much as possible?

Hi, I'm Cyrus, and I'm a Dalmatian/Beagle hybrid who is aboooouutt... 5 feet and 9 inches tall? It's honestly been a while since I've been measured. I'm a little skinny but at least I've got some muscle here and there. My eyes are a forest green and my hair is dyed a darker shade of brown. My fur color is brown, black, and white; basically the usual. But I've had dark blue spots all over my body ever since birth. My guess is that it was a "pigmentation mutation" of sorts.

Heh, that was pretty clever of me.


I walk around the park, watching young furs playing in the playground with each other, hearing cars drive by on the street, and enjoying the summer heat.

But this is summer, so naturally, I always hate the heat. I actually enjoy the winter season more because then I can easily deal with the cold weather with some nice clothes. On the other hand, summer gives me a reason to stare at hot guys for three months. So I really can't complain.

Thinking about the heat, I look over at the park lake. I always love the way the crystalline ripples of the water reflect the light back, it's really quite beautiful. Then I walk towards it and step onto the stone bridge, built from one end of the lake to the other. Peacefully strolling along, I stop in the middle of the bridge, closing my eyes and leaning against the short, stony wall.

Ah... memories.

I used to come to this park a lot more when I was younger. But now that I'm older, I have different interests and hobbies away from the park. But today was different, since impulse told me to come back here and enjoy what nature has to offer.

The sun. The bright, burning sun.

The lake. The beautiful, glassy lake.

The trees. The ever-magnificent, green trees.

I feel like people don't focus on the simple things in life more, because I certainly enjoy their presence. Silent, inanimate beings that intrigue me a lot. Sometimes I'll look up into the sky and enjoy it's big, light blue blanket over this world, because it never seems like anyone will.

Heh. Life is truly beautiful and cruel.

But then, I hear a light ping. The kind of ping you hear when you strike a musical triangle.

Huh? What was that?
Definitely not something natural.

I turn around to look out over the lake, confused about what just occurred. I knew I definitely heard it because pings in my mind don't sound like that.

I just stare out over the park and contemplate what could have caused the mysterious noise.

But I heard it again. This time, in a certain direction.

I look over the wall and I turn my head to look towards the location of which it resonated from, and I see ripples forming at the edge of the lake on the other side of the bridge. Curious and intrigued, I run across the bridge to where the ripples are forming.

A spot in this peaceful lake, suddenly stirring? Can't imagine that ever happening.

After getting off of the bridge, I notice that the ripples are not there anymore. So I survey the surrounding area, and surprisingly, the main spot has moved underneath the bridge.

It's almost like it's... luring me. Or something.

I move under the bridge and I crouch down, putting my paws on the edge of the ground and leaning forward to look down at the central point of the lake ripples. From there, I see a faint light emerging from the bottom of the lake, getting brighter and brighter until it shines brightly. I cover my eyes from the light, only to uncover them and see a massive portal-like hole open up on the surface of the lake.

Umm. What? Excuse me?

Then suddenly I feel an entity appear behind me, so I jerk my head around to look at them. A pretty-looking white tiger looks down at me as I look up at him. He's wearing a black, unzipped jacket with a light green Triforce shirt, some comfortable looking blue jeans, and white slip ons.

Wait, aren't those my clothes?

I stand up in a hurry and I stare at him for a few seconds, thinking about what could possibly be happening. Then I finally opened up my mouth to speak.

"Who... are you?"

The tiger smiles at me warmly.

"Your world is in danger. And you are its sole protector. You must learn to harness the power within yourself, or else you risk losing the people you love and will love."

Hmmm... whatever this guy is saying sounds far-fetched.

Wait. Will love?

The white tiger softly says, "You shall learn about more once you begin your magical journey. Now, go forth and find yourself."

Without much of a reaction, I'm soon pushed backwards by a gust of sudden wind. I had forgotten about the open portal behind me so I accidentally tripped on my own foot and fell in, a shocked reaction plastered on my face as I watched the white tiger and the darkness of the bridge disappear above me.

An imaginative and abnormal mind compared to everyone else definitely comes in handy, as I regain my composure quickly and think about my next course of action. But that's when I turned around and realized I have no course of action.

Why do you ask?

Because I was currently falling through the sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2022 ⏰

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