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tw: drugged

i woke up to luke shaking me i was on the ground passed out i opend my eyes i looked next to me to saw jackson fighting some guy......... the guy that was talking to me. did he put anything in my drink? what is it about men thinking they can just drug me wtf? the guy was bleeding a lot he looked dead people where all looking at jackson he kept on punching him luke was talking to me i heard him but i had no idea what he was saying. i was shaking like grazy it felt like i was dying. untill jackson picked me up from the ground with his bloody hand and layed me down in the car. he was driving luke kept on shaking me so i would stay awake. i culd only imagine how mad vinnie will be.

----------------------30 min later

i woke up to luke carrying me inside the house he layed me down on vinnie's bed i heard vinnie yell at jackson downstairs i wanted to stand up to help jackson but i couldnt. luke stayed in vinnie's room he was sitting on the ground. i made me feel really comfortable that he was here with me and didnt leave me alone.

" i am sorry luke" i say 

"sorry about what?" luke says softly

"i should have listened to you" i say softly

"its fine" he whispers

suddenly the door opens it was vinnie he looked really tired and drunk i notice when vinnie is drunk he acts diffrent. 

"leave " vinnie yells at luke

"if you fucking hurt her i will kill you" luke says

luke gives me a little smile while he leaves. he was actually really nice he felt like a brother to me and it was nice having some friends over hear i mean being all alone with vinnie is so boring and i have someone to talk to about everything.

"are you really so fucking stupid? i told you my brother are bad infleunce" he says.

"i dont know.." i say while a tear rolls down my face.

"you know what nvm y/n! go get fucking raped by some guy have fun" 

"h-how c-could you say t-that?"

 i run out of the room i go downstairs to the living room vinnie is such a fucking dick how could he do this to me ughh i hate him why would he say that? i hate him!

 i saw jackson and luke in the kitchen eating. i run op to them with tears rolling over my face. "whats wrong" jackson says worried.

"vinnie " i say soflty

"wtf did he do?" luke asks worried

"i dont know,just leave it i would rather not talk about it"

"okay but if he makes you cry ever  again i will kill him" jackson says

i giggle wich made all of us laugh. we ate a lot jackson and luke noticed i dont eat so they made a lot of food we had like everything there and i ate everything.

----------- 45 min later 

i was rn watching tv in one of jacksons shirts and in lukes sweatpanths yea vinnie didnt buy anything for me yet. i wanna gonna sleep on the couch. i dont wanna see vinnie rn. i was watching icarly but i fell a sleep mid episode. this was the first time in a while of me sleeping good. woke up at 9 am i went upstairs to brush my theeth when i was done i saw vinnie packing clothes and letting his gaurds put them in his car. he was zo lazy they are gaurds not his maids.

"what are you doing?" i ask

"we need to move to italy for a few weeks" he says

i scoff and walk off. i knock on jackson door

"its open" he yells

"hey handsome! anyways are you and luke also going to italy?"

"hey pretty! and yea"

"okay cool" i say happy

i walk out of his room when  out of nowhere vinnie started yelling to me that i should get in the car i just did as he said i am to tired to care tbh. sit in the car i putted on the radio the music sucked. after a few minutes vinnie sat in the driving seat next to me. he staarts driving he puths his hand on my lap but i push it away.

"i am sorry about yesterday it was just not okay what i said " he says

"okay, thanks ig?" i say back

"i really love you i didnt mean what i said"

"okay" i say back

we kept on driving for almost 5 hours it was such a long ride but worth it ig we stopped infront of a huge golden airplane. "is this yours? i ask". he nodds. we went in and i saw jackson and luke there i sit next to jackson and say hi to luke we did so much fun stuff we were drinking a little and we took pictures vinnie was only complaining about us being loud. vinnie than forced me to sit next to him.and than i started touching his hair it was really petty vinnie turned around a looked at me his eyes were really pretty i kiss his him. he gives me a little smile as he hugs me i hug him back i was really tired. i saw jackson take pills in the back i walked up to him.

"what are those?"

 "pills" he says tired

"can i have one?"

"sure, why not"

he gave me 2 i wanted to take them but vinnie hitted them out of my fucking hand ughh i am old enough to not having a fucking a babysitter fucking 24/7.

"did you just try to give her drugs" vinnie says annoyed

"yea, waht are you gonna do about it" jackson says bored

"fuck you and youre fucking addiction" vinnie says

jackson just scoffs and take an other pill one of the pills fell into my waterbottle i drink the water bottle as fast as i could.and yea i swollowd the pill. i sit across from jackson he was fucking high and after a few minutes i was to.


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