Chapter 5

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AHHH! I'M SO SORRY I HAVEN'T BEEN ACTIVE ON THIS STORY! But, I'll tell you that I will *try* to make updates more frequent :> I'm pretty sure I've lost a bunch of readers while I was gone, but I'm here now, so that's that. Thanq if you're still here with me on this story!

Annabeth POV

I was sleeping in the Athena cabin facing the wall, when the back of my neck started to tingle. It's that feeling when I can tell something or someone is creeping up on you.
I jolted awake to find my cabin mate, Malcom, standing over me. His eyes seemed to be in a trance, and his face was monotone.
"What, Malcom? It's 3am. Go back to sleep." I groaned. I was only half-awake that time, so I couldn't think or move clearly.
So I obviously wasn't ready when he lunged at me, put a hand over my mouth, and before I could make a scream, he put a knife over my throat.
"Stay still or else." He said.
I nodded as he tied my hands and ankles with rope, and dragged me outside. Outside the camp borders.
"I have done the deed, my lord." I heard him say in a monotone voice. He had laid me down face-down in the dirt, so I couldn't see who he was talking to.
"Good, good. Now go back to your cabin. I shall wait for the others to come, and then leave." Another voice said. This voice was more colder. I shuddered. The voice seemed to creep up my neck like a snake, chilly and emotionless.
I heard Malcom walking back to the camp, and another pair of footsteps, this one more lighter and quiet. But I still heard it.
I also heard two people dropping on the ground next to me, and it seemed like they were unconscious, for they were not squirming around like me every five seconds.
"I did what you asked." A female voice said. She had a small Australian accent, and she sounded maybe a but older than me, maybe nineteen or twenty.
"Good, good. We shall go soon."
"I'm scared." One of them whispered. Judging by the accent and voice, it was probably one of the witches, most likely Ginny.
"It's okay. Calm down." Another voice muttered. Hermione.
"But what if it's not?"
"Nonsense. I'm sure we'll be fine."
"Uh, hey, you guys." I murmured. "I'm here too."
"Annabeth?!" They both whisper-shouted. Or tried to.
"Do you have any idea what's going on?" Ginny asked worriedly.
"I mean, by the looks of it, it seems like we're being kidnapped." I muttered. "Any ideas who we're being kidnapped by?"
"It sounds like... like..." Hermione gulped as she exchanged glances with Ginny. "V-Voldemort."
Ginny shuddered.
"Molde-what?" I asked confusedly. I swear, I read almost all the books in the library of the Athena cabin, but I've never heard of a being called Voldemort.
"Voldemort. He's the second most powerful, first being Dumbledore, wizard in the whole world. He's the darkest wizard of all time."
"Hmm. Okay. What does this guy do, exactly?"
"He's an evil snake-person who murders innocent muggles and wants pure-bloods to take over the world."
A snake-person?
"Wait. Hold up. What are muggles and what are pure-bloods?"
"Muggles are ordinary people, non-wizards. Pure-bloods are wizards and witches with full wizard blood."
As I was about to continue my interro-I mean, questioning more about their world-someone put a wet cloth over my mouth.
It's drugged.
That was my last thought before blacking out.

-Time skip brought to you by: Kronos! (Please vote this I payed 20 drachmas)-

I woke up in a dark prison next to Hermione, her brown hair in more of a mess than usual. Also with deep-looking cuts on her face. I couldn't see much, for she was in a dark corner.
"Good, you're awake." Hermione said.
"Where are we?"
"I'm not sure."
I tried to move forward to the cell doors to get a better look, but there was a small tugging sensation on my wrists as I realized that heavy, black chains connected to the wall was hugging them.
"Annoying, isn't it?"
I was startled as I looked over to the corner to see Ginny there, her ginger hair in a mess and her skin more paler than usual. She had many cuts on her bare arms, a black eyes, and a cut lip.
"They must have drugged you more than us, you were asleep for at least two more hours than us. That's lucky. They've been doing horrible things to Hermione and I, very terrible things. They've been practicing the Cruciatus curse on us."
"What's that?"
Hermione looked a bit shocked. "An Unforgivable Curse. It's the torturing curse."
"Very good, Miss Granger. You are right."
I whipped around to see a pale bald guy, with red eyes and slits for a nose in pitch-black robes.
"Voldemort." I heard Hermione mutter.
"Right again." He said in the same cold voice I heard last night. He turned to me. "And now that you're awake, Miss Chase, it's time for your... special treatment."

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