End of death, Beginning of Life

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I was so nervous in my dance dress, as I stood behind the double doors at the top of the ballroom staircase. The servants had done my hair up in a waterfall braid, with a diamond head piece that Lonan had given me. The dress was a pale purple, with tiny flowers sewn throughout it. It went all the way to my ankles, and then some. The shoulder straps were wide, and it was pleated together at the top of the bosom area, giving it a bunched look. It was probably on of the most beautiful dresses I had ever worn.

And then the shoes. I don't know where he had gotten them from, and he wouldn't tell me, but they were unlike any I had ever seen. The pink silk it was made from was the softest I had ever felt, with ribbons that laced up to my knees. On the ribbons were tiny drawings of flowers, and blue jays. The design went down to the feet where the tiny drawings got bigger so you could see them better. On the birds eyes, and in the middle of the flowers were dots of silver, and I don't think it was fake either. They were gorgeous, and they went well with the dress.

I couldn't believe that I was so happy about something so little as shoes, when the only reason I was wearing them was so that I could get my one last wish before I died.


I turned to see an old servant woman, with blue eyes, and white hair standing behind me. Her eyes grew wider when she saw me.

"May I say that you look absolutely beautiful. You are truly an exquisite creature." She admired.

My face grew sad as a pang of hurt shot through my chest. "One that is going to die very soon." I said quietly.

Her expression slowly went from happy to sad at the sound of my voice. "Forgive me. It was not my place."

I gave her the best smile I could manage. "It's not your fault."

She nodded. "The master is waiting. Are you ready?"

I took a deep breath, and closed my eyes, then opened them. "I'm ready."

The doors were pushed open, and I was swept away by the sight before me.


As I descended the steps to my death, the music began to play, soft, and sweet. As scared as I had been up until this point, I now felt calm. My fate had been sealed, and I had finally come to terms with it.

My dress flowed over the steps, pulling the two slits apart to reveal my ribbon bound legs. My hair bounced, and flowed about my shoulders, and my heart beat to the rhythm of the music. I breathed in deep, relaxing, soothing my soul to prepare me for what was to come.

As my feet touched the floor, I finally looked over at my dance partner, standing to the opposite of me, wearing nothing but black dance shoes, and pants. He gazed at me, as if admiring my appearance.

I close my eyes, listened to the music, and as if on key, the music shifted as my foot left the ground. I gracefully spun, and bent in different directions, keeping my eyes closed all the while. The dress made it slightly difficult to be graceful, but I fought through it. The music kept changing, growing, louder, and stronger. My skill prickled, and goosebumps appeared all over my body as I was suddenly lifted into the air from behind. I was lifted high up above him, and I folded back over, extending my arms and legs, as he spun me slowly.

On, and on we went, turning spinning, intertwining with each other. I was dancing with the devil, but all anyone would see was a dance among lovers. Maybe in another life, I could have loved him. But what was love if all it brought was torture, and chaos?

On, and on, and after an eternity, the music was finally coming to its climax. Their dancing speed, and become more skilled. Lonan kept pace, and I pushed myself to my limits. And after a time, I made my final stance.

I spun, then turned, and wrapped myself around him, curling into him as my last embrace. We spun round, and round, and I closed my eyes, savoring the moment. When I felt the pain, and the music came to the peke of its climax, and laid myself back, gazing at the ceiling, as the memories came flooding through my mind. Memories of my parents, and my little brother. Christmas's, and birthdays, Thanksgiving's, and fourth of July's. My life flashed before my eyes.

The music started to slow, coming to an end, just as I was. A light appeared in my vision, and my soul felt like it was being ripped from my body. I glanced back one last time into the lifeless eyes of my old self, and then I ascended into forever.

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