Bonus Chapter

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Hey guys:) so I didn't feel right leaving the book where it was at, so I'm going to give you guys the chapter you have been waiting for. Here you go!

In the luminescent glow of the divine light, she reached down and plucked the flower from the ground. She stared at it though. What had she done? She had just taken the flowers life. It saddened her, but unfortunately, it had to be done. Her mistress had demanded flowers, and so she must bring them.

"Evailia, come." The lady beckoned her, and so she went.

She looped her arm through the handle of the basket, holding it tightly. Her silver dress swayed in the soft, cool breeze, making it shine like the stars. Her long, blood red hair fell down past her waist in large curls. She sighed happily as she climbed the cobble steps of the gazibo. The wooden structure was made from the finest wood in the land. It had a deep green color to it, almost as if it was still alive. The gods wood workers took great pride in their work.

"Let me see what you've picked for me, my love."

She handed the basket to her, and she searched through all the different kinds of flowers she had found.

"Oh, I can't decide. They're all so beautiful." Her lady marveled.

She smiled, pleased that she liked them.

The lady touched her face, gazing at her lovingly. "It is so wonderful that I have found you. Now we can be together forever."


A ripple of pain shot through her skull, and she flinched, grabbing her head.

"What it is my dear?" Her mistress asked, grabbing her shoulders.

Her vision faded out, and she was in the dark room, and figure standing before her. She recognized him.

"Lonan." She breathed.

"What did you say?" Her mistress asked, looking stunned.

"Where am I?" She whispered.

"Y-you don't remember? Sweetie, I saved you."

"Who are you?" She pulled herself away, memories flooding her mind.

"Im.......I'm your mother." She said quietly.

"Where is he?" Things were coming clear, and she remembered everything.


"My name is Tyla." She spat.

Her mother frowned, looking angry.

"He is back on earth." She growled.

"Earth? Where is that we are now?"

"You are home. The place of the gods.......Where you belong."

"I belong on earth."

"You are a goddess! I am your mother!" She yelled.

"You took me away from him." Tyla accused.

"He took your life. Do you remember that?"

Tyla shook her head. "He didn't understand. How could he? You doomed him to be what he is......Osai."

She looked at the ground her eyes blazing. "You will never know what it is to have lived amongst the gods, be treated like one your whole life, and then to have a filthy human dare steal from you. To disrespect you so. I was mocked by other gods. I was thrown from the city. Dishonored. You will never know what that is like!"

"Maybe not. But two wrongs never make a right." Tyla reasoned.

Her mother sniffled, angry tears running down her face.

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