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I stared down at her, the selfishness, and guilt settling in as realization began to hit me. I gathered her up in my arms, and held her tightly against me. I ran my hand along her cheek, her soft skin becoming cold, and lifeless.

"What have I done?" I breathed.

I bent over her, and did something I have not don't for thousands of years.......cried.

The room echoed with my sobs. It seemed like an eternity. I feared I would never move from there again. The only signal to the passing of time was the light from the window.

When the sound was completely set, and darkness spread across the land, a gust of wind blew against the manor, and I stopped. Pulling my face up, I surveyed the room. I saw no one, but I could feel their presence. Was it another vampire? No other vampire had ever dared to enter my manor, for fear of the power I possessed.

I stood, laying Tyla's body on the ground, and began to smell the air. There wasn't any scent there that wasn't suppose to be. I crept forward slowly, not making a sound.

All of the sudden, the wind outside blew again, and blew so hard that all the windows flew open, and shattered against the wall. I stepped back, crouching down slightly, prepared for an attack. I was ready for a whole herd of vampire to come crashing through the walls. But, instead, there was a light off in the distance, just outside the windows. A light he knew he had seen before.

The light entered the room slowly, leaving a stardust trail behind it. It stopped right inside the room, and hovered there a moment, then the light transformed, a gust of wind blowing across the room, and the golden dress of a goddess spilling out over the floor. I watched the creature in front of me, my eyes squinting. Then his eyes widened as the creature suddenly looked up at me with Violet eyes.

"Osai." He spat.

She smiled devilishly. "Hello, Lonan." Her melodic voice sent shivers up my spine, and I began to have a hard time focusing.

"What do you want?" I hoped that my voice sounded as hate filled as my heart was.

"Oh Lonan....." She began to walk around him. She knelt by the dead girl on the floor, and brushed the hair from her face.

In a flash, I was face to face with her, my anger boiling to the surface. "DO NOT TOUCH HER!"

Osai looked back at him defiantly. "What does this girl mean to you?"

I was taken aback by her question. What was she time me?

"I....." I couldn't finish.

"I know what she was to you." Osai whispered, then she frowned. "Why did you kill her?"


"Because what?" Osai looked at him intently, searching his face.

"She wanted me to." My voice broke at the end.

"Why would she want you to end her life?" Osai asked, but I had a fealing she already knew.

She walked behind him. "Ever since you and I first met, I have felt nothing but hatred towards you." She began, pacing the room. "You stole from me, and I as a Goddess could not tolerate it." She looked over her shoulder at me. "But, only recently, I have felt.......pity for you."

I frowned. "Pity?"

"Yes." She mused. "You see, I tend to let my feelings get away from me, and I felt bad for what I had done."

I couldn't believe the words I was hearing.

"So I did something for you." She stopped by the staircase, looking at the floor. "After all these years, I figured there must be something that could change you, something to make you happy, and maybe then I could truly forgive you." She grabbed the railing, a small smile touching her lips, and she closed her eyes. "And, once again, you proved to me that you are nothing but a fool." The wood cracked under her hand, and splinter fell to the floor. Her eyes flew open, and looked directly at me with all the fury of hell.

She marched towards me, her hands becoming fists. "I gave you a chance. I wanted to forgive you." She pointed towards Tyla. "And this is how you repay me?!?!!"

Realization hit me as I looked down at the dead girl. She was it all along. She had been right in front of my face, but I hadn't seen it. Wouldn't see it.

"My daughter....."

My eyes snapped back up to hers in shock.

"Dead." She said weakly.

Her face went from distress, to anger in a split second. "But, you will no longer be able to harm her. She is mine again."

Tyla's body began to rise from the ground, and illuminate just as Osai did.

"Wait." I said in a panick.

"Its too late." Osai lifted herself off the ground.

"Please! Just give me another chance!" I begged, falling on his knees.

"I already have." Osai said firmly. "Goodbye, Lonan."

With that, she ascended into the light, taking Tyla with her.


My screams echoed through the halls of the manor, then fell silent, as my bleak existence began to settle. I would forever be alone in this land. Doomed to wander as nothing more than a shadow. And it was all my doing.

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