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(new character Fletcher Parkinson)

Lily Evans is sitting in the library, jealous. She's fuming. She didn't understand her feelings. Why? Why does it make her heart ache to think about James?

Why does it hurt? She wants to just scream her heart out. She wants to cry until her head hurts. She doesn't like it. She gets up and starts walking. She walks, not paying attention to where she's going until she falls over.

"What the fuck? Watch where you're going! Fucking hell!" hearing a chuckle, she glares upwards. "Seriously? Fletcher Parkinson? Oh great."

"Your Snapes' friend, right? The muggle-born. You look like you need an escape. Come with me!" he grabs her hand and pulls her along, laughing at her shocked expression.

They walk along, finally making a stop.

"The quidditch pitch? Why are we here?" She looks at him, confused.

"You like James Potter. You need an escape. It's empty here. Scream. Just scream until you can't anymore." he tucks a piece of hair behind her ear.

"here, I'll go first. I'm the same. I like someone, but she hates my house even if she's friends with one of my friends."

He looks at her, closing his eyes and screaming.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" he looks up at her and takes a breath.

"Now you try, sweetheart. It's actually really nice." she smiles up at him, stepping away before throwing her head up with her eyes closed.

"AHHHHHHH!!! FUUUUUUCK!" she starts crying and falls to the ground as Fletcher wraps his arms around her as she mutters.

"Fuck. Thanks, Fletch. I actually feel a lot better." he smiles down at her, kissing the top of her head.

"Anytime." he smiles softly and winks before he walks away.


James slowly sits up, stretching before smiling, remembering how great of a day yesterday had been.

He kisses his girlfriend's head before gently waking her up.

"Morning, beautiful." She smiles softly, leaning up and kissing him. "We have potion first thing with the Slytherins, James, so you better get ready."

He rolls his eyes and shoos her into the bathroom. Seeing as Cassie slept with Peter last night, he walks into the nursery and picks up Archie before walking to the common room.

Sitting on one of the couches in the common room, he starts making faces at Archie, watching him laugh. The others arrive, so they walk down to the great hall for breakfast.

Remus gets a bib, tying it around both kids before setting down a bottle in front of both of them.

"What's wrong with Lily? She keeps looking at the Slytherins." James whispers to Marlene.

"Probably staring at Snivillous," the table laughs, and Lily rolls her eyes. She looks away as Parkinson winks at her. Blushing, she turns towards Mary and starts talking with her.

The marauders walk into the potions classroom carrying the babies. Remus sits with Cassie, Archie with Peter and Sirius, and James and Amelia sit together.

They watch Lily walk into the room and look at Parkinson. She walks and sits next to him, watching him whisper something, making her laugh, brushing a piece of hair behind her ear while she blushes.

James nudges Mila and signals to the other marauders. They all look at each other, shocked, and laugh.

The potion lesson goes along smoothly until Remus makes the Hair Raising Potion. Cassie decided to eat it.

"NO, CASSIE!" They watch as her hair slowly starts to rise upwards. She looks up at her hair, trying to catch it, laughing as she does.

"DADA! MOOMY! DA'FOO! WO'MY! WOOK! UP! UP" All of them laugh, even catching some Slytherins chuckling along.

Professor Slughorn comes over, undoing the potion while dismissing the class.

Walking into Charms after lunch, Flitwick walks up to the marauders, asking to hold Archie. They look at each other and shrug. Handing him over,

Flitwick almost falls over and quickly hands him to James, telling them to head to their seats. Laughing, they take a seat.

James pulls Amelia down onto his lap while she holds Cassie. Kissing both of them on the cheek,

"My two favourite girls with me. This is lovely." Flitwick clears his throat and looks at the three of them. James waves two fingers as a salute wave.

Amelia giggles and waves to Flitwick, leaning back into James while Cassandra baubles. Flitwick shakes his head with a small smile. They pull out their wands and start on revision.

"What the hell!? Why are Cassie and Archie in the air playing?" Everyone turns to see the 9-month-old and the three-month-old playing in the air, chasing each other.

Flitwick lets out a small shriek, falling off his chair and quickly pulling out his wand, slowly levitating the children down. Dismissing the class early to go to their dorms.

"Holy shit! That was eventful!" James laughs along with Sirius.

"Yeah, fuck. Sirius, Pete, let's take these little troublemakers outside to play?" The boys nod and go to get their stuff. Remus winks at James and whispers,

"I'll distract them while you two go be teenagers for a little." James throws his head back and roars with laughter.

"Thanks, Remmy. Owe you one." shaking his head, he replies.

"Nah, the amount of time I know you've heard Siri and me without saying anything, so thanks, mate." Remus laughs and walks off. Turning to Amelia, James whispers.

"So, babe? Wanna do what Moony suggested and go off to be teenagers together?"

Milla bits her lip and nods her head.

"Fuck yes." laughing, James tugs on her hand, pulling her up the stairs to their dorm.

Getting to their room, James throws the door open. He tugs her to his chest, kissing her lips. Hungrily, ripping their clothes off each other.

After 30 minutes of playing quidditch, Sirius flies towards his boyfriend, bending down to kiss him.

"I wonder what Mila and Prongs are doing? James would never give up a chance to play quidditch?" giving Remus a look, Remus chuckles and pulls him back for a kiss.

"Babe, what do we do when we're alone? We fuck," Sirius pulls back, shocked and disgusted.

"No, no, no! My little sister is not having sex!" he runs off Remus, yelling behind.

"You're only older by 12 minutes!" shaking his head as his boyfriend runs.

"FUCK! MY EYES! MY EYES! GET ME SOME BLEACH, PLEASE!" Sirius covers his eyes and walks into the door behind him as he sees James and Amelia intimate.

"What the fuck, Sirius!" James throws open the door once he and Mila are dressed.

"I have never once walked in on you and Remus have been having sex! I have always been patient. I get she's your sister, but seriously! That crosses the line! You can have sex, but she can't?" Sirius at least had the decency to look ashamed. Shaking his head.

"You're right. I'm so, so sorry, Mila and James. Please, continue." Sirius walks out the door, shutting it behind him with his head down.

James and Amelia looked at each other, laughing, before jumping on the bed and resuming what they were doing before they were interrupted.

Word count of 1184. So sorry this was a while. I have decided not to have an upload time, even if now I haven't been sticking to it.

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