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"I notice that you are quiet, Mi vida, can you tell me what is the reason why you are quiet?" I asked her, she just look at me eye sided while crossing her arms.

'What's up with her this days?' I thought to myself, she still doesn’t pay attention to me, I try to hug her but she leaves my embrace.

"I'm not in the mood to flirt with you Y/N, it's a very busy day today you know."

"I know, I'm just trying to figure out why you're like this now corazon, can you tell me now?"

She looked around, looking for what to say, but she was saved by Vaggie's call to her, she took her hellphone and answered the call, she nodded and he put the hellphone back in her pocket.

"Vaggie and I are going somewhere today, so you'll just be left here alone, if you want someone with you, razzle and dazzle are there, just call me if you want to buy me something, okay?" She said and lean to you, your about to kiss her in the lips but she beat you with a kiss in the cheeks and she left, leaving you there standing.

"Maybe because of what happened yesterday? maybe, but I shouldn't tell her about what I saw, her innocence would be ruined if I told her."

"What would be ruined if you told her? What's up?"

I was surprised at where I stood, I turned around and saw Angel looking bored.

"Don't startle me next time, I don't want to be startled."

"Heh, the Future pride Y/N is startled by me? It doesn't suit you babe."

"Whatever, what do you need Angel? I feel like you need something?"

"Is it obvious? heh, strength of your feeling, I just need to buy so I went out of my room, and I came down here talking to yourself and I heard that Charlie's innocence would be ruined? what do you mean there?"

"It's not your business, just don't interfere, here money, buy whatever you want to buy, I'll send razzle and dazzle to watch over you."

Out of nowhere, Razzle and dazzle suddenly appeared, they pushed Angel out and got in the limo.

"Just keep him out of dangerous hazards."

They nodded and said goodbye, you sighed, you can't stand besides Angel, while you were terrified of that memory, your cellphone rang, you took it and answered.

"Hello? Y/N Moreno speaking?"

"Hello Y/N, this is Stolas, your uncle!"

"Ah, uncle stolas, I'm glad you're calling, how is octavia? "

"Oh you know, still the same! Same Octavia you know, but let me tell you this, I invite you to my house, just a uncle and nephew talk?"

"I would love to but I need to stay at the hotel, Charlie has been ignoring me."

"Oh why though?"

"I don't know, maybe that I say yesterday?"

"If that's the case, I hope you got that fix, or just take her on a date, maybe that would work."

"I'll try."

"Good, that's all I want to say, if you have a free time, feel free to come here."

"Yeah, I will."

🖤tough love🖤 - Charlie Morningstar X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now