Sudden arrival

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Charlie: Um... Who are you?

Adalricus stood tall in the doorway while Charlie wondered why there was another person outside their hotel.

Adalricus: Where are my manners, beautiful hellish morning princess, I am the youngest brother of your fiance Y/N. I know you're wondering why your beloved Y/N doesn't say that I existed in hell, because that I ran away...

Charlie couldn't speak from what she heard so she just gaped making Adalricus put his index finger under Charlie's chin and closes her chin.

Adalricus: Surprising isn't it? (Laughs)

Charlie: But how? I don't see you in the portraits of the morenos?

Adalricus: Well, you know, I'm the most unwilling member of the Moreno family...

While they were talking, they did not notice that Y/N was close to them. When Y/N approached them, he put his hand on Charlie's waist and Charlie was surprised she turned to her side and smiled when she saw Y/N next to her.

Charlie: Don't always scare me!

Y/N: But you're cute when I surprise you ~

Charlie giggled and blushed when he realized that Adalricus was still standing at the door smiling smugly, while Y/n cleared his throat.

Y/N: (Clears throat) I thought you came here on Friday, but you surprised us today on an unexpected day.

Adalricus: We don't always follow the rules bro, and, can I get in now? the climate is killing me hehehe.

Y/N: Hmph, OK, just because you asked kindly, but I didn't say you can stay here.

Adalricus: Great! Do you have anything to eat? I walked a long way from here to here!

Adalrius went inside while looking at Charlie and Y/N, he was not looking at what he was going through and he collided with a person or the one and only jealous Vaggie.

Vaggie: Oww...

Adalricus: Oh Dear! Are you okay Miss?

adalricus held out his hand to vaggie, his face was full of concern for the woman, vaggie rubbed her back and she accepted adalricus' help.

Vaggie: Take a look at what you're going through, it's annoying--

She suddenly freeze, her eyes go wide her eyes land on Adalricus.

Vaggie: I-I-

Adalricus: Be careful next time dear! Or otherwise the next time you bump into someone is not that kinds like me.

He pats Vaggie's head making Vaggie blush hard hiding her face under her hair. Adalricus move forward inside while stuff in hand. Charlie put her both hands on her cheeks making a gasp sound.

Charlie: Loves is in the air!

Afternoon time...

You and Adalricus were hanging out in your office while Alastor was tailing as always, he was sipping tea while viewing the outside of the scenery lights inn hell.

Alastor: You know, Y/N, I can be part of this hotel business Charlie wants, with my help she can gain many sinners to her not so crazy project of hers.

Y/N: First, it's not a crazy project and second, I guess your right about helping the hotel, but only if you don't do any vodoo things you always proud of.

Adalricus: Are you sure? it might just be sloppy when you hired him at the hotel.

Alastor: huhuhu, I'll make sure of it that I will do my job!

Suddenly a knock on the door interrupt your conversation.

Vaggie: Um, Charlie wants to send this tea!

Alastor: But we have already have some dear!

Vaggie opens the door carrying a tray with three cups of green tea, her eyes landing on Adalricus just moments and focus to put the teas in the table.

Adalricus: Thank you for Vaggie! It's smells relaxing!

Vaggie: Y-Your Welcome...

Vaggie exited the office.

Alastor: Ha! Stupid feelings...

Y/N: Who're you talking to?

Alastor: Nothing, just something stupid that I'm thinking.

He knows...


This chapter is cringe!!

Oh yeah, guyssss, this story will be ending soon, my goal is to reach 30 chapters and the next chapter might be the wedding thing, and of course to make Vaggie not get jealous is to fall in love with Adalricus.

🖤tough love🖤 - Charlie Morningstar X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now