Chapter 24

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However, that doesn't mean you felt like one.

In fact, standing at the top of the staircase leading dramatically down to the sprawling expanse of the throne room, you felt rather timid. You weren't sure if it was from pre-party nerves regarding being social or debuting in such an outfit, or because of the dashing Goblin King staring up at you from the bottom step. You had to admit, the extra hours Jareth had spent holed up in his room getting ready had truly paid off, because he looked absolutely stunning.

His simple blouse was a stark contrast to the dark depths of the jacket you had chosen for him, and the opal brooch and studs had been joined by a few surprisingly dainty silver necklaces adorned with sharp, polished chunks of emeralds and amethyst. His black, velvet boots had a small heel and were littered with miniscule diamonds that peeked out through the fabric and blinked in the light of the sunset coming through the window behind you. His light, fine hair caught the bright, warm light in a similar fashion, and you were shocked to see he had changed it from its usual, teased style. Now, his hair was brushed back and hung just past his shoulders in soft, healthy looking tresses with a series of delicate braids tinted blue that marched back from his temples. He looked regal from head to toe, but the traditional fae diadem on his brow truly proved it. The silver crown came to a point just below his widow's peak, the gaps in his bayangs showing off the pointed crystal pendant and the crystalline vines and leaves along the silver band. You were still taking all of him in when he reached out a silken gloved hand to you and smiled, calling up to your nervous post.

"Join me, love," he requested, his voice filling the space. "So you may admire me better."

"Coming, my humble king," you replied, cautiously making your way down the steps in your gown and heels as his laugh rang out and gave you goosebumps. When you came to the bottom of the steps, you took his hand and he circled your waist with his other arm, holding you in a still, silent waltz as your chests brushed.

"Mm, care for a dance?" he asked playfully, swaying you side to side. You giggled and he smiled wider at you, his eyes dancing over your face, neck and hair. Up close, you could see his smokey eyeshadow and the sapphire glitter patted over it, as well as the opalescent highlight shining on his proud cheekbones.

"You're very pretty," you blurted out and he chuckled, one of his pupils expanding as he did.

"Thank you, dove," he murmured as he led you into a slight sidestep of a dance. "As are you. I'm very grateful I get to take one as lovely as you to this event."

"You're too kind," you blushed, letting him twirl you once before pulling you closer, the space between you no longer modest. "Is it time to go?"

"Yes, but let me dance with you a moment more, won't you?" Jareth urged softly and your heart melted a little at his tone. You nodded and he smiled again, picking up the pace as you waltzed in a tight circle, never looking away from each other in the last minutes of the fading amber sunlight until you were dancing in the early moments of the dark. You clung to him and thought that perhaps you should just stay home and dance with him like this all night, every night, forever. However, he eventually stopped and you followed suit, if a little clumsily, looking to him for his next move.

"Alright, shall we go, then?" he asked, sounding a little nervous.

"We're going to have a great time, I promise," you insisted. "It'll be wonderful to meet all of your friends."

"That's precisely what worries me," he deadpanned jokingly and you punched him in the shoulder, the velvet crushing against your bejeweled fist.

"What, you think they won't like me?" That possibility was very real, and if they were anything like him, there was the chance they would detest you entirely. Your stomach clenched nervously for a moment before he laughed and shook his head.

"No, Y/N, the issue is they will most certainly love you," he explained. "They're going to hound me for my secrets on how I managed to capture you. And then they'll abandon me to bask in your glow."

"Sounds great," you mused. "Can't wait. Can we go now?"

"Always the eager beaver," he grumbled. "But yes. We're fashionably late now and that is my preferred entrance so we might as well be on our way."

Jareth released you from his embrace and held out the crook of his arm to you, which you took as you straightened your shoulders and tilted your chin up, feigning queendom. In his free hand, Jareth took the invitation out from his pocket and secured it in the air before him, sliding his hand over the flowery graphic at the top of the parchment and ingraining it onto his palm, which he upturned before blowing gently on it. The sigil turned into a light, golden dust at his breath and flew in front of you both before materializing into a large, circular frame whose contents shimmered as if underwater before clarifying and revealing a portal. This portal showed a nightscape of a bubbling fountain and a long carpet leading up the steps of a stone castle even larger than the one you called home, which looked grand and mysterious against an otherwise barren landscape. You guessed this portal had appeared somewhere in the driveway in front of the castle, seeing as the closest things in view were carriages and automobiles of all structures parked neatly. Couples of all kinds kept walking into view and up the long carpet before talking with finely dressed elves with scrolls, who gestured them into the tall, open doors of the castle. A cool breeze blew into the throne room you had forgotten you were standing in, and Jareth looked down at you, his demeanor already slipping into his aloof, snarky king persona.

"Ready, Y/N?" he asked with a wink.

"Lead the way, my king," you instructed and he smiled slightly, before leading you both through the portral's rippling entrance and into the sprawling expanse of this new land.  

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