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✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩LA LA LAND ✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩

❝ happy birthday, spencer james, i guess.❞


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RILEY DIDN'T KNOW WHY SHE HAD BECOME SO PARANOID TOWARD HER AND JORDAN'S RELATIONSHIP. She knew he would never hurt her or cheat on her, but the more he missed her calls or cancelled on their plans, the more she worried. In fact, as she arrived to school the girl couldn't help but dread seeing Jordan, worried about what kind of tension would appear.

Jordan and Riley had been inseparable ever since Jordan asked her to be his girlfriend at the beginning of their sophomore year. It seemed almost impossible to see the two apart, but that Monday, Riley had been avoiding Jordan all day, until eventually he caught her as she was leaving her third period.

"Hey." Jordan said as Riley walked right past him, "Where are you going?"

Riley swallowed harshly, "Class."

Jordan ran up to her, grabbing her arm, causing her to turn around. "Hey, are you okay?"

Riley shook her head, "What? Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

Jordan shook his head as well, "I don't know. You've just kinda been avoiding me."

Riley nodded as she turned around, "And you haven't?"

Jordan watched the girl walk away before running up to her, "What are you talking about?"

Riley turned around swiftly, "Jordan, I haven't heard from you since the party. You don't call me, you don't text me," Riley listed off as she pointed to her fingers, "You cancel whenever we have plans."

Jordan sighed as he gazed down at his shoes, realizing he hadn't been the best boyfriend the last couple of days. "I've just..."

Riley's eyes widened as she waited for an answer, "You just, what?"

Jordan let out another sigh, "There's just been things going on."

Riley chuckled slightly, "There always is." she said before walking away.

"Riley, wait-" Jordan called out.

"Jordan, I've got to get to class. So do you." Riley said before walking toward her fourth period class.

Riley slammed her locker door shut after the last bell rang, releasing the teneagers from building.  Riley was about to walk out the door and to her car, but she saw Spencer, and decided to wish him a happy birthday after learning from Layla today was his birthday.

"There's the birthday boy." Riley said as she approached the boy.

Spencer turned around and smiled and laughed when he saw the girl, "It's just a birthday."

"The birthday of the boy who fixed the Porshe." Riley told him as she smiled sweetly, "Thank you, seriously."

Spencer chuckled a little before he gazed down at his feet before pullingRiley aside, "Why haven't you told anyone?"

𝐋𝐀 𝐋𝐀 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃,      j. baker¹Where stories live. Discover now