024. "ripped by reality, tinged red by blood"

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01:03 ─❁────────── 01:80

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My future's light is becoming darker

I know everything


          EVER SINCE SHE COULD REMEMBER, Lucia's years in Hogwarts had always been peaceful — well, as peaceful as it could be anyway. Nonetheless, peaceful. Yet, as she arrived for her fourth year, somehow, there was a shift in reality.

Maybe it was just her severe case of paranoia speaking for her, but consequently after Harry's name burst out from that damn goblet, she'd been overthinking of the worst-case scenario, not to mention being more of a worry wart than she should be.

It felt somewhat foreign for her to worry this much for someone other than herself, but here she was, in the middle of the term, still fussing over the tournament like she was the one participating in it, all because her friend might get murdered because of it.

Friend... she wondered a little too many times how long she could still use that term when she describes Harry. How long can their friendship last?

The fact that she didn't know the answer to that was quite frightens her a bit.

Well, that's not the point right now. The point was that after the second task, the feeling of dread once again dawned on her. How she knew that you may ask? You could say that sleep, to her, was a gift that many possess. Things began to escalate more quickly than she could imagine, and by escalate quickly she meant that the restless night she thought to only be a fleeting nightmare came back into her sleeping routine.

And what was worse was that all she could dream was the face of her own Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, Mad-Eye Moody.

There were no dreams that told her she would be failing or passing her exams like usual, only the dream that told her to be suspicious of her teacher, who may or may not be who he says he is.

Sure, she suspected him to be the perpetrator, but she've yet to figure out what his motives could be, so she had put the investigation on hold. She guessed all these nightmares she've been getting was a sign for her to get back to the topic at hand, as much as she dreaded so... But how could she actually prove her suspicions toward the professor?

She couldn't just accuse him blindly without facing any consequences, hence she decided one thing: Do some nosy business that only her friends would try.

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now