1: An Odd Meeting

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TW. Character (Not rlly) Death, If I ever misexplain rather insensible stuff, please tell me right away.


"The damsel in distress," Alatus gagged. His voice cracky from what he read, little-by-little getting more worse than before. His twin, Xiao, just sits beside him, lurking on what happens next. "Xiao, I think we'd rather not read this." He complained, exaggerating quite a bit.

Xiao looks at him in distraught, "Brother, mother said we should-"

"Mother this.. Mother that. No, Xiao! Mother is gone!" Alatus shouts at his younger brother. Xiao's eyes were teary, and he shouldn't be crying. Dripping salty tears were all Alatus could see in his sibling's form. "I- I, I'm sorry, Xiao, please-" Alatus cupped Xiao's cheeks which was rejected immediately.

"Big brother.. I am well aware mother is gone. Please.. Give me this moment to subject entirely." The young child pauses, his tears fastly going down as his breathing slowly fastens it's pace. "I apologize. As heir this isn't what I was taught."

"Well, as the brother of an heir, what they said is stupidity."

You don't know what you're saying? Do you? I am only yet a few minutes younger but you have been acting like the bare minimum of a supposed older brother. This dread of suffering didn't come to an end for you to disappear like that. And just now have you-

Xiao wakes up in a total mess. His hair is raggedy, even his clothes were wrinkled from head to toe. Little by little had he gotten more dreams of Alatus, and this was worse than his everyday nightmares that never seemed to heal. An exhausting morning for someone who just woke up. His mind is all over the place, once he turned at the age of eighteen many things happened in his life. His twin, and only sibling, died of unknown causes, and he's here; living in a castle with no one but servants and himself. It's not like he does not enjoy moments solitary, and no one can even dare take a glance at him. So it was all a win-lose situation for him.

As he gets up, waking to the wardrobe seeing how messy it is. Someone had probably ruined it while he was asleep. Who knows who, but he doesn't intend to find out.

The morning sun glazes down in his window view, he smiles at how perfect-and yet, not at the same time the sun was. Beaming rays that lights up (literally) the skies, while the world spins and later on it was nowhere to be found. It grasps onto Xiao's skin, making reflections from the window with the silhouettes of multiple leaders. Xiao doesn't seem to be very fond of being one, but what's work, is work. No one refuses to get the work undone.

Xiao was depicted-by the commoners-as a steadily, cold, harsh personified prince. As much Xiao can comprehend, it lurks on how it hurts him with just a tad bit of mischaracterization. While multiple people, including friends, regard those statements for the greater good of the prince, it just spreads like a virus even more.

Closely, he fixes the wardrobe. Little by little picking up every piece of cloth that can be found. He can fold it later, but for now Xiao has to get ready. Hu Tao must be probably waiting for her by this moment of reach - just a few minutes, right? She can wait, the prince has something to do.


"My prince, your highness." A lady walks in, ah Ningguang. A lady living at the Jade Chamber. No one usually would interact with the rather intimidating woman, so this was new. Or, just old, that was never looked into. "There was an announcement by the base of the castle. You should and must see it. Otherwise, scolding will come at you just after a few seconds upon not showing." Euh. Xiao really gets intimidation from her. So scary, yet she doesn't mean to be scary.

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