2: Deemed Rivalry

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"Are you insulting me?" Xiao reckons. He death glares Venti.

Venti hums quietly, a playful hum. The prince stands up, "No, not really. You look rather old — well, except for your height. Of course." He smiled as he backed away gently. He turns around seeing the flowers. Venti goes near one of them, getting stung on the process.

"What the hell.." Xiao cursed. How did he not get hurt because of that? Is he some immortal being who doesn't feel pain or something? What is up with this guy..

"What? Scared I'll get hurt? So kind of you." Venti teased. He pokes the thorns again. As blood gushed out, he pouts with a soft "Ow." coming out of his mouth. Venti sways his hands, tearing up in pain. (Atleast, what Xiao thinks. It turns out, Venti was not hurt and he was only faking for empathy. A troublesome prince.) Venti goes back beside Xiao, he observed the blood that gushes out fastly. His eyes slowly letting out water, though what he feels slowly after realizing the flower had.. Poison. 

Xiao groaned. "The flower is poisonous. What made you have the right mind to think like that? You're a prince for Archons' sake." He grabs Venti's hand, observing how deep the cut was on Venti's hand. It was, for a fact, not that deep. "I am going to get murdered because of this." Xiao mumbles. 

"Could have said killed." Venti snickered. He pulled his hand out of Xiao's and stood up. "I'm okay anyways. Do you know where the infirmary is?" 

"I live here. Of course I do." Xiao rolled his eyes. 

"What a surprise. Someone younger than me has a shorter temper than I do."

"I'm not mad."

Venti chuckles, "We'll work on that." 


As they were walking side by side, Venti tried to make conversations that Xiao can interact with. Let's just say, they're not really the same with hobbies, personality, likings, and dislikes. While Venti would converse, Xiao ignores. Two complete opposites. Who would have known both of them—

"Prince Xiao-"

"Just call me Xiao. The prince title is all just for show." He said, making eye contact for the littlest time ever. 

Venti nodded. "You sound like my etiquette teacher." He sighed, slumping downward. 

Xiao tilts his head, "Your posture is horrible." He chuckles silently, the light voice that what people wanted when an heir is close to the crown. After all, as he is someone who dislikes public affection that is brought to him. His lightness in the laugh was positively excruciating and it scratches anyone's head when they hear the "cold" prince can actually laugh. 

"That's not funny. But, I can take it.." Venti laughs it off. He quickly fixes his posture, leaning on to the sides. "Besides,  why not us be rivals?" He said in a cheery tone. "You must be lonely, and I am too, so, whoever gets an other half first wins. It gives motivation, you know?" 

"I'm not interested in love." Xiao denied. 

"Neither am I. It is only for fun." Venti agreed to what Xiao said. It is only for fun. Or is it?

Xiao scoffed. "And why would I?" He thought, opening the door for Venti. "That seems very stupid. And most importantly, may one must do this for another's entertainment?" Xiao shoved it in Venti's face like steel. 

"Mm. Plausible." 

As they head inside, "But, would it not be cool for two princes from distanced lands find love together at the same time?" Venti slouches on the chairs. He looks at Xiao, twirling his braids. "Sounds neat, does it not?" The prince babbles, making Xiao groan in frustration. 

"No." Xiao disagrees, he knocks on the door to await the doctor who was just finished on eating his lunch. "Dr. Baizhu will take care of you, he is one of the most skilled herbalists in this castle, so I am sure you'll survive."

Venti stares at Xiao with a dumbfounded look, "Are you thinking I might die? Because of some.. Ow. It stings." He cries internally.

A small figure walks in, one of the herb gatherers, Qiqi. The long braid catched both of the princes attention, one might say it caused them envy. Her job is to collect once she has the time. Though her awfully bad memory, she can still remember bits that are important — with the help of Changsheng, of course. Her magenta eyes pierced through Venti's soul. Those lifeless eyes irks him otherwise, poor child. 

Venti can sympathize with her, after finding out that he was yet abandoned at such a young age. And was only found later on after fifteen years must be difficult. His outgoing personality may be found annoying by some, but he really was grateful to be lived and given another chance. He hopes the same for the child, to be lived a happy life after what may be a sad one. But until then, it looks like she's content with a life like this.

"Your.." The girl mumbled in her breath.

Xiao kneeled down the child's size, (Not really, but he crouches down.) he looks at the girl, "It's okay, Qiqi. You can just call me Xiao." He whispered to the child, smiling as to what seemed to surprise Venti.

"Xiao.. Xiao." Qiqi lightened up. "Xiao, Dr. Baizhu asks what brings you here."

Xiao tried to smile, but his composure cannot. "My friend—"

"Rival!" Venti shouts across the room, he was touching a vase full of Glaze Lilies. It was protected highly but he seemed to be lucky enough to get his hands on it. He chuckles, poking the leaves. It didn't hurt, technically.

"—Ugh, rival." Xiao groans, "He exactly touched the herbs by the garden, perhaps can you heal him?" He asked politely not startling the girl.

"Qiqi can do that for you. But.. Where is Qiqi's patient?" She looked everywhere but her front. 

Xiao chuckled, "Look there, that twin braided man."

All Qiqi could have seen was the braids. It was very similar to hers.

"Two braids.. Pretty.. Will you also do that to Qiqi?"

Xiao looks directly at the child, he smiles. "Why not?"

That.. Weirdo, got his medicine and was healed. Now he's clinging on to me like some.. I cannot explain it well - but I despised it.  It was oddly comfortable. But still odd. I did not like it and yet I did. I apologize if it did not make sense.


All I can say about this "Xiao" is that he has his priorities. I can't blame the man. But he seems irritated of me. Maybe he is. Though I can't do anything about that. I'll just see if he grows more kinder. But I cannot guarantee.


They were walking by the halls. It was nice and calming, peaceful and quiet if you must. 

Venti with his sudden questions,

Xiao with his answers.

Everything went well as one supposes. 

"Hey, wait if we race to this to there?"

Xiao sighed. 

"Venti. God, no."


I'm so sorry this was short. I had to finish this, but I'll be back with a much longer one, please try and expect an update a few days after this although I can't promise anything. Thank you for being patient <3. :)

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