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In their first life, they only knew of each other's existence, but they knew next to nothing about the other. They didn't even have a reason to meet, and so they never did.

In their second life, they had finally met. They had met through other people, but they were merely acquaintances and nothing more.

In their third life, they were friends. But they became friends a bit too late. They had met much later in life; much too close to the ends of their lives.

In their fourth life, they were bosom friends. Friends from the crib, so close no one could separate them. However, that was all they ever were. Friends, nothing more.

In their fifth life, they were yet again friends. Nothing changed. They were just as close or even closer than before.

In their sixth, their seventh, tenth, twelfth, fifteenth, hundredth, two hundredth, nine hundredth, nothing changed. Their friendship remained as strong and steady as ever.

Their memories remained intact with each rebirth. They knew the things they knew from their first life till their current life each time they were reborn. Who knew if that was a blessing or a curse?

And then, they were born into their thousandth life. Based on past experiences, an outsider could say, "They'll remain friends this life as well." But to be honest, no one could have a say except the two.

In Vincent's third life, he was born a king. Jasper was his manservant. Having suffered under the politics and ways of the palace, the people and his family, he only ever trusted one person.

He was on guard against everyone else, but he trusted Jasper. It seemed odd, but he was very adamant, and had an unwavering trust in Jasper no matter what.

Jasper was the first to be sincere to him. The first to wholeheartedly and diligently do his job, not out of fear or ulterior motives, but out of diligence. He was the first to genuinely ask, "Your Majesty, how are you?"

Jasper was the first to worry when His Majesty fell ill with the state of affairs and went to look for help. His Majesty was bedridden, even though he, Jasper; was just as sick, he never once left His Majesty's side unless it was to make food for His Majesty and such.

In their fourth life, remembering all that Jasper had done for him in their previous life, and wondering why they never met or spoke in the lives before their third, Vincent made friends with Jasper, reminiscing over anything and everything from their previous life.

Jasper had an inkling that there was something extremely wrong with the situation and persuaded Vincent to join him to seek out a fortune teller.

"You're both cursed." The old woman deadpanned. "Your life is intertwined and so is your curse. Whether you repeat this fate of dying repetitively or live a proper long life depends on how far you can go."

"What do you mean how far we can go?" Jasper asked. He was always the more anxious one.

The fortune teller smiled. Her smile was rather cryptic as though she knew something but definitely wouldn't say exactly what it was.

"Once upon a time, a deity passed by and discovered two miserable lives. One where death was at every corner all because of what people could do for power. The other where it would have been nice to have death as an option rather than undergo the unmerited everyday suffering."

"The deity granted them a blessing. Intertwining their fates so they could find solace in each other. He also granted them a relief from their life of suffering. He gave them death. However it had a catch. They were to be reborn, memories intact and die everytime they turned 30."

"The deity came in their first life, and even though the two had never met, he blessed them with this cursed gift, because even if he hadn't, the two would still have died early, but would have died even more miserable deaths." The old woman finished her tale.

"So, how do we remove the curse?" Jasper asked leaning forward in his seat in anticipation.

"The curse can only come to an end when the love that should be reciprocated has been reciprocated and the other sees all he has always overlooked." The old woman replied ominously.

"Other sees what he has always overlooked? Like what the deity has done for us? We should thank the deity? And love that is meant to be reciprocated... We should find the people we're meant to fall in love with?" Jasper mused.

The old woman didn't reply, but turned her attention instead to Vincent who had yet to say anything since they had entered her shop and he had greeted her respectfully. Vincent's eyes were neither on her nor the trinkets, charms and talismans in her shop.

They were fixed solely on Jasper as though nothing else within the vicinity was of interest. Jasper was yet to notice and the old woman didn't draw his attention to it either.

However her eyes remained on Jasper as she spoke. "The first part is wrong. The deity doesn't need your thanks. You've thanked him enough by not abusing the blessings he bestowed on you. The second part however is correct. And who knows, you might just find who they are in this life... Or on second thought, maybe not." She smirked, seeming to have realized something.

Or not? Jasper thought she was just playing with them, finding the situation amusing, when she said the 'or not' then.

He knew now that it wasn't a joke.

996 lives later and they still hadn't broken the curse. They had tried everything that Jasper could think of. From making offerings to the deity in Thanksgiving, to matchmaking, at least for Vincent to find that one love that would break the curse.

They tried everything, but nothing worked. Jasper wasn't ready to give up though. He'd do anything to save the one person that gave him a hand when no one did.

To Break A CurseWhere stories live. Discover now