It's Been a While Chapter 3

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Kristen's POV


We had just gotten off the train. I hadn't tried to talk to Emma during the trip, knowing she'd want the time to think. We were both standing in front of the house.

There was a huge garden filled with so many different roses. Oh my God, it was so pretty. I'm a sucker for romance. And I saw a bit of a big, blue pool in the backyard. This house has everything! Being famous does have its benefits! Good job, Louis.

"You go on ahead." Emma tells me, quite nervously. I didn't argue, knowing that she wasn't ready to see Louis just yet.

"Ok, see you inside." I say, giving her a quick hug, "You'll be fine." I whisper, letting go and walking up to the big, red door.

I decided to leave Emma with both of her suitcases. I was ready to kick down the door with my ninja powers, but I found out the door was unlocked. Well, that was easy.

I open the door screaming, "Louis!!"

All of the boys were in the living room, waiting for Emma and I. That made me feel special. As soon as Louis saw me, he stood up from the couch he was sitting on, "Kristen?!" He yells, running up to me.

"That's me!" I yell back. I gave him a hug, a hug that I've been wanting to give him for a long time.

When we pulled apart, I heard Harry say, "Is this the sister we're not allowed to hit on, because I don't know if I can keep that promise anymore." He says winking at me.

"Wait, I thought your sister's name was Emma?" Zayn asks, looking confused. His chocolate colored eyes studied me curiously. I returned his gaze, never being the one to back down from a challenge. His black hair had fallen into his eyes and he quickly brushed it out of the way. I noticed his chiseled features, his jaw line sharp enough to cut a bitch. It was covered in at least a day's worth of stubble, and damn, this messy look was turning me on.

Louis gives Harry a stern look before saying, "This is Kristen, Emma's best friend." He turns to look at me, "Where is Emma anyway?"

"She's getting her bags." I say.

As soon as the words left my mouth, Emma stepped into the huge house.

She looked fairly calm, which was good.

"Hello." she said.

Louis looked surprised, "Oh wow, you've grown."

"Yeah, that tends to happen when you haven't seen someone in a while." she snapped. I knew she was trying to control herself.

Louis opened his mouth then closed it, not knowing what to say. He had a glint of sadness in his eyes. He tugged on his hair before whispering, "I'm sorry."

"Well, you know what? Sorry doesn't cut it. You're out of my life for ten years, never called, never visited, nothing. You expect me to come in here with a smile on my face ready to pick up where we left off? Well think again." her eyes were welling up with tears.

Louis was taken aback. He looked as if he was just slapped in the face. Emma turned on her heel and sprinted away from us.

She ran past the living area where we were all standing and she darted down a hallway, where I'm guessing all the bedrooms were. I could no longer see Emma but I heard a door open and then slam.

Louis stepped forward with his hand out as if he was about to go after her but I stopped him. I turned to see the boys all looking at the floor awkwardly.

"I'll go and see what's wrong," I say, backing down the hallway. "Just stay where you are."

Louis looked as if he wanted to argue, but I didn't give him the chance. I went down the long hallway. It's as if there were a never ending hall of rooms. I arrived at the room that Emma was in. I heard sniffles and knew she was in there.

"Emma?" I asked

"No, it's Pinocchio" she answers. Witty as ever.

"Open the door." I say, jiggling the doorknob back and forth until I heard a sigh and footsteps headed my way.

This was a good start.

She opened the door and I saw a puffy eyed, strawberry haired girl. Her usually pale face was slightly red and she had tears running down her face.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay." I whispered as I pulled her into a hug. We sat down on the bed in the center of the room.

A tear ran over her cheek and threatened to drop on the underside of her chin. I wiped the tear away and hugged her tighter.

"Want to talk about it?" I softly asked. She buried her head into my neck and sniffled. Her whole body was shaking. Suddenly she sat up in my arms.

"He's an ass!" She wailed. She shoved her head back into place below my head. I stroked her red, curly hair trying to untangle it.

"I know." I said.

"How am I going to live in the same house as him? How?" She sniffled.

"I don't know." I answer reassuringly. "But you'll find a way."

She sits up straight, looking me in the eyes, "I don't think so. Ten years. Ten years, and not once could he pick up the phone to see how we were doing! Not once. He was supposed to be there for me. He was supposed to be there." She says, the last part barely audible.

Then she collapses back onto the bed and a fresh wave of tears tumbles out. Her face hidden in the pillow. Not knowing what else to do, I sigh and lay down on the bed next to her.

Then there's a knock at the door. I sit up quickly, bringing my feet underneath me. Well this wasn't my house so I couldn't say 'don't come in'.

The door opened and Louis stood there, hesitant. He steps into the room, looking torn on what to do.

I get up and say, "I'll leave you two alone." I say, walking towards the door, and before either of them could answer I swiftly stepped outside the room closing the door behind me.

Some serious shit was about to go down. And whatever happened, I did not want to be in that room when it did.


Author's Note:

I'm sorry children!!! I didn't mean to leave you hanging like that!!!!!!!

Btw this is S!

Please comment and tell us what you think!!! It would mean the world!!

THANKS FOR READING.... if anyone is.

It's Been a While (One Direction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora