It's Been a While Chapter 4

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Emma's POV


Louis quietly shut the door behind him. He stepped forward with his arms out, as if he wanted to hug me, but stopped and stiffly put his arms at his sides. Kristen had left me alone with him. What a wonderful friend.

I sat up straight and tried to wipe away my tears so he wouldn't notice. I didn't want him thinking I was weak.

Too late, he noticed.

I turned my head so he couldn't make eye contact with me. His frown deepened and he really did look sorry.

"I- I'm so- I know what I did was wrong." He looked down, "I truly am sorry."

My anger was boiling up inside of me.

"Sorry isn't going to work!" I yelled, not caring about anything at all. "You were my brother! You left me! And sure it wasn't your choice but you didn't talk to me, call me or e-mail! Nothing. Nothing is what I got. Nothing is what I heard."

The tears were flowing down my face once again.

"You weren't there for any of my birthdays, graduations or anything. Never visited, never called. You could've been dead for all I knew!" I was screaming at that point.

My voice went into cold, quiet rage.

"All that I did know was that you didn't love me any more. You didn't want me." I said icily.

"Sorry doesn't work with me. A sorry would've been just fine a few ten years ago. I didn't get a sorry, I didn't get anything." I whispered, staring at the bed sheet that was now wet with my tears.

That speech has been tucked inside me for quite sometime now, and it felt good to get it out of my system. I flopped back down onto the bed, and curled into a ball.

He edged closer to me and dared to sit on the edge of my bed. To exhausted to stop him, I let him draw closer until we were just inches away. He was laying down next to me.

Soon enough, I was leaning against my older brother. Wow, I thought I'd never say that again.

"I don't expect you to forgive me. But all I'm asking for, is one more chance. One chance to fix everything. To make it up to you. One chance to be your brother again." He says looking down at me. "Just give me a chance?"

"Well, I don't really have a choice, do I?" I glare, avoiding his eyes.

"You're right, you don't, so you might as well make the best out of it."

"Why?" I asked quietly, my eyes searching his for an answer.

"Because I care, look I-"

"No," I interupt him, "why didn't you ever call or visit or anything?"

His eyes widened in surpise, "dad."

"What?" I was shocked and confused.

"He didn't want me to talk to you. He didn't want us to have a relationship, he was so over protective and scared that he would lose me, too. Dad had already gone through the loss of one child, why would he risk losing another, you know?" He whispered. "I'm so sorry."

"That bastard." I growl. I grabbed Louis' shirt and he held me in his arms as I wept. I wasn't angry anymore. Just so sad that I missed out on, well, Louis. And it was all dad's fault.

"Please don't blame this on dad, he didn't want mom to go to court for custody, I mean, our family was being split apart and you were too young to understand. We both missed you."

"That doesn't make me hate him any less." I frown.

"Hey, I understand that you're pissed. I know this won't be solved in one sitting. I'll be here to talk to you whenever you need me, but for now do you want to go and meet the boys?"

"Sure." I give in, sliding off the bed.

As soon as my feet touched the floor, Louis grabbed my wrist and tugged me into a hug.

"Hey Emma?" He asked. I inhaled deeply.


"I love you."


Author's Note:

Give us some feedback, and plus we have more than 100 reads!! Now that might not be a lot to you guys, but it got us very happy!!!!!!!!!

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