4- Flying Lessons

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Around the middle of October, a piece of paper on the Slytherin notice board was put up, stating that first years were to have flying lessons on the following Wednesday.

Theo and Draco shared a grin. When they'd first met, they'd geeked out about the comet racing broom line, and argued about whether they thought the Montrose Magpies (Draco's team) or Puddlemere United (Theo's team) would win the league this year.

They'd already had years of training on their top of the notch racing brooms since they could walk, so did Cassie, but her and Draco never had quite as much a burning passion for it as Theo had; or she supposed you could call it an unhealthy obsession.

Draco slammed his hands down onto the table. "What do you mean you've never been on a broom before?"

Theo stood up suddenly, "I'm taking that as a personal offence, Riddle!"

Mattheo shrugged. "Never had the opportunity to. I grew up around football."

"Football?" Theo exclaimed, and he sounded personally offended. "What in Salazars name is that?"

Mattheo struggled for a moment. "Well, it's kicking a ball... with your foot?"

"Well no shit, Sherlock," Cassie muttered to Pansy.

"Alright, well what's so good about quidditch then, huh?"

"Wh- how- but you- ugh! I'm too disgusted by you right now Mattheo to form a proper answer!" Theo shouted, his voice rising.

"Well why does everyone seem to be so obsessed with it?" He shrugged nonchalantly.

"Quidditch is the best sport in the world!" Cassie exclaimed. No one dissed quidditch in front of her.

"You'll see Mattheo, mate, you'll see," said Draco.


On Wednesday, flying lessons had just began and already Draco, Cassie and Theo were easily the best in the class.

One of their first tasks was learning how to summon a broom, which nearly everyone except Potter and his mudblood friends had learnt a long time ago; it was apart of every witch or wizard's childhood, and if you had grown up without it, you were severely missing out.

They all got assigned a cleansweep, which looked pathetic next to Cassie's nimbus 2000 at her home. The nimbus wasn't even out yet, but her mother knew the makers, so she had it early.

It took the class about 20 minutes until everyone's broom had at least moved. Theo's broom shot up the first out of the class, with only one attempt, followed very quickly by Cassie's. The next person Potter, who's broom had rolled around on the floor for a few tries before shooting upwards into his outstretched hand.

Draco was obviously annoyed by this, as his face worked harder and harder as he tried to concentrate.

"Relax, Draco. It's not going to get any easier if you get frustrated!" Cassie called to him.

He lost his concentration as he found her eyes. "Yeah, thanks Cas,"

He directed his gaze back his broom and stretched out his arm. "Up," he spoke.

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