8- Quidditch

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They got back into the routine of lessons quickly, and sunk themselves back into their life.

Flying lessons had been put on hold for the first years for a term after the so called incident, so Cassie delighted in flying again. She could lap almost everyone on the pitch, apart from Theo and Potter who seemed to be in a constant battle for who would cross the finish line first.

When (quite often) it was Theo who finished first, Potter would return to the ground to complain to his small crowd of admirers about how it was unfair.

Cassie was alone one morning, when a harsh voice called out into the frosty air, "Peverell."

She turned her head from where she was sitting. "Ah. Weasel. Come here to gloat have you?"

He smirked. "You precious Slytherin team being beaten by an eleven year old? Why would I gloat about that?"

It was true, unfortunately. In the end of November, just before they'd broken up for Christmas, the first match of the season had been played, and Slytherin had lost.

Cassie had avoided the gryffindors where ever she went for two weeks, until school had broken up. Apparently two weeks was not enough time for Weasley though.

"At least we play by rules," she snapped. "If you Gryffindors need to break the rules to win, then go ahead."

"We didn't break the rules Peverell," Weasley started, his face contorted with rage, "Harry's the best quidditch player in our year, and he's in the team because he's good enough. If any Slytherin was actually decent,then they'd be playing for their team."

"Your arse must be jealous of all the shit coming out of your mouth weasel." Cassie snarled, and Weasley lost it.

he took a slow step towards her, his jaw clenched. "I don't know-"

"Cassie! There you are!" A load voice calling over from the other side of the courtyard interrupted him. "I didn't- oh! Weasley! What a lovely surprise. You ok though? You look ill, your whole face is burning up,"

They turned to find Draco walking towards them, the spring in his step faltering when he saw the threatening look Weasley had on his face.

"I was just-" Weasley began, but he was interrupted again.

"Perhaps you should go down to the hospital wing Weasley. You might be getting a fever," Draco said icily, his voice cold. "Your cheeks seem to be heating up," he clarified.

Weasley gave Cassie a dirty look before stalking off, and once he was out of sight, she huffed.

"What?" Draco asked on defence.

"You don't have to 'save' me whenever things get ugly! I can defend myself,"she rolled her eyes, irritated.

He frowned. "I know you can, I was just-"

"If I need your help in my defending, then I'll call you. But I've seen worse than a boy get angry, Draco, and you've seen me deal with worse."

She stormed past him. Why did he have to make her look weak? If people thought that Cassie needed protection for fights, then they would think that she could be pushed around. At least she had the element of surprise though, she thought.

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