Chapter 2: Meeting each other

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Song of the chapter: Nobody's Perfect by Hannah Montana

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Marinette's heels click on the pavement as she rushes to the café where she's going to meet Adrien.

One thing you should know about this clumsy girl is that she always tends to be late and today is no different than usual.

Her breathing is ragged as she tries to make it on time for her meeting but she knows that there's only a small chance for her to have success. She merely has 2 minutes left before she's supposed to be there and she still has to run for half a kilometer.

And sure, Marinette is quite athletic, but this is almost impossible for almost everyone. She's not Usain Bolt, sadly.

She lets out a sigh of relief when she sees the building finally coming into view and she can't wait to finally sit down and let her feet rest for a moment. Why did she think it was a good idea to wear heels?

For the last 50 meters, she decides to walk. She's already late anyway, so why not be one minute later? Besides, this way she can calm her breaths and not look like a lunatic who just ran to a meeting.

The bell jingles as Marinette opens the door and as she looks around the room, her eyes widen dramatically. Sure, she knew that it was luxurious and beautiful, but the thing is that those two words were an understatement. It was absolutely breathtaking.

Chandeliers hang on the ceiling, the tables look like they came from an antique shop and even the smell of the café has something special to it. It's almost indescribable but Marinette decides that she loves the place.

Her bluebell eyes then meet a pair of emerald green ones and she lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding in. One thing was sure, the place isn't the only thing that's breathtaking.

She smiles softly at the blonde before making her way towards him. When she almost trips over her own feet, trying to take a seat at the table where Adrien was sitting, she hears a laugh escape out of the boy's mouth and she smiles sheepishly at him, this way apologizing for her clumsiness.

Marinette has just sat for a few seconds when Adrien slides the menu towards her. She looks at it questionably and he rolls his eyes in response. "Well, order something. This lunch is on me."

Marinette immediately starts to shake her head. "Oh no, I can't accept that. I'm not even paying you for your time and now you also want to spend money on me? That seems unfair." She explains while laying her purse at her feet.

Adrien chuckles. "Well, it's not like I can't afford it. Besides, I asked you to come here and therefore I should pay the high prices of this place. It's not your fault we can't go to a simpler more affordable place, so please, let me."

Marinette lets out a huff but nods nevertheless. "Fine. Hopefully, I'll manage to pay you back over time for your services anyway."

"Exactly, now choose what you want to eat and drink", Adrien replies with a smirk, clearly happy to have won the argument.

Marinette moves her gaze down on the menu and she's once again is shocked by the prices. She can't help herself from choosing things with the lowest numbers and this way she ends up with a glass of water and a clubbed sandwich.

The glance Adrien gives her when she tells her order to the waiter tells her that he knows about her plan to choose a meal that is as cheap as possible and Marinette glances away to avoid the piercing look the blonde is giving her.

She snaps her gaze back when Adrien speaks up though. "So..." he starts, placing his elbows on the table and leaning slightly forward. "You told me you're doing this to impress your crush? Would you like to tell me about him?"

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