Chapter 10: On the balcony

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Song of the chapter: Can You Feel the Love Tonight by Elton John

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Once Adrien has gotten the text message with Marinette's address and he knows where to go, he's running toward the destination with a huge smile on his face.

Ever since Marinette left that afternoon, he had been crying on the bed with silent sobs. He felt like he had messed everything up and would never hear from the amazing girl ever again.

But now, now he received the message that she wanted to talk. This sparked hope in Adrien and he feels like he maybe hasn't messed everything up.

So he wants to see Marinette as soon as possible to check if his assumptions are correct. Besides, he loves spending time with Mari so he probably would have run anyway.

He looks down on his phone to see how far away he is from Marinette's house because he can feel that his breaths are getting shallower and his legs more tired. He lets out a sigh of relief when he sees he's almost there and decides to run even faster than he did before.

Then, he suddenly sees her in the distance. The balcony is lit with lots of small lights and his face also lights up when he perceives her.

He slows his steps down so he can look at her as long as possible, his head tilted up with a smile spread upon it.

Once he's underneath the balcony he notices that Marinette is clearly daydreaming and hasn't seen him yet.

He therefore jokes, "Rapunzel, let down your hair!"

Marinette then looks down and finally realises he's there, before giggling softly.

"I tried to look for a way to get you to climb up but that's impossible it seems," Marinette says just loudly enough so Adrien can hear her. "But my parents are asleep so I'll open the back door for you."

Adrien nods in response and walks in the direction Marinette pointed towards. He's glad that he doesn't have to scramble up because it looked quite steep and it's not like he's a superhero or something who can do that.

He waits silently until Marinette opens the door for him and grins when she finally does so. Relief washes over him now he sees her again and it's maybe cheesy, but he has really missed her.

Marinette returns his smile and gestures for Adrien to come inside while placing a finger on her mouth, indicating that Adrien has to be quiet.

The latter nods in response, letting her know that he understands her message, and follows her upstairs on his tiptoes, making sure not to make a sound.

The house is fully dark and it's slightly scary Adrien has to admit, a strange house in the dark. He's glad that he can see Marinette quite clearly in front of him because of the pink blanket draped over her shoulders.

They keep going up and up until they have finally reached the balcony that Adrien had seen from below, but now also from the actual balcony itself.

His eyes widen at the view. Sure, he has seen Paris quite a lot of times like this, but it just seems different now somehow. It's a clear night so the stars are visible in the night sky and it gives the view something extra that's just indescribably beautiful.

He then looks back at Marinette again who is smiling softly at his reaction to the sight in front of them.

"It's quite beautiful, isn't it?" Marinette asks, walking to the railing and glancing up to the night sky.

"Yeah," Adrien agrees. "It's absolutely gorgeous. So you can see this every night?"

Marinette nods. "Yeah, pretty much. I don't always do so, but when I go outside it's always pretty great." She smiles. "Do you want to sit?" She gestures to a stool.

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