Chapter 6: Clubbing

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Song of the chapter: DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love by Usher and Pittbul

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The music booms loudly as they make their way inside the club.

Alya is walking beside Marinette, looking hot as hell, and Nino seems to think the same thing considering the way he's gawking at her since they've met with the group.

The rest of their class looks really good too. Everyone seems to have grabbed the best outfit they could find out of their closet and Marinette has too. She's wearing a red dress that accentuates her curves just right and her hair is out of its ponytails and curled in waves over her shoulders.

The bouncer didn't even blink as they walked inside the entrance, merrily asking one of them to show their ID before assuming that the rest of them should be okay too. He pushed 16+ bracelets into Kim's hands, whose ID had been checked, and Kim handed them out to the rest.

Now, some people have already moved to the dance floor, while Marinette is sticking next to Alya, slightly uncomfortable. She seems to notice that and leads her towards the dance floor, pulling Nino with her too.

Has she mentioned that she loves her best friend? No? Well, it's a good thing she has now then.

The three of them dance happily, swinging their hips and pumping their hands in the air. Marinette soon starts to feel hot though, and therefore tells Alya she's going to the restroom.

Her best friend simply nods and turns towards her boyfriend, dancing with him with a huge grin on her face.

Marinette smiles at the couple and then walks around, searching where the restroom might be.

When she finally finds it, she lets out a relieved sigh. She pushes open the door which doesn't give in easily, but when she manages, she immediately moves towards the sink and moves her hands under the tap.

The water quickly starts to cool her body down and to have a even better result, she also slightly taps her hands to her face to cool that down too, careful to not ruin her make-up.

After she feels like she isn't going to overheat anymore, she makes her way back towards the dance floor but is surprised to not see anyone there.

She looks around and spots her classmates at the bar and she walks towards them with a smile.

That smile falters, however, when her eyes settle on Luca who has his arm wrapped around a girl's waist. A quite old looking girl who is really pretty.

Marinette feels like she's going to puke and she searches for Alya in the crowd. When their eyes meets, Alya looks at her sympathetically, clearly knowing about her crush on the older boy.

"Hey, Marinette." Luca greets her, while grabbing a drink and handing it to her. "How are you?"

Marinette forces a smile on her face and accepts the drink with a shaky hand. "I'm fine thank you. Who have you brought with you?" Her voice comes out shaky too, but she tries to keep it steady.

Luca grins at the girl, before yelling loudly for the whole class to hear, "this is Amy everyone, my girlfriend."

Marinette wants to disappear. Is this the highlight, or is she going to be hurt more than this? She isn't sure if she could take that.

Her question is answered when Luca kisses his girlfriend. Yes, it can get worse.

Some of the guys wolf-whistle and the girls out of her class clap their hands excitedly at the news.

She feels like she has been stabbed into her stomach several times and she decides to ease the pain by gulping the drink down in one go.

Alya pats her back and hands her another drink, which she also throws back in her throat. It burns, but right now, she enjoys the burn. Anything is better than watching Luca and Amy.

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