Chapter 24

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“H-Hi Jonathan.” I sputtered out nervously playing with the ends of my t-shirt.

“I heard about your poppy, I’m sorry babe.” He smiled slightly pulling me into a hug. I tensed up at his motions, still in shock that he actually came over. He had made it quite clear to me that he wanted nothing to do with me ever again. “Uh can we talk for a bit?”

“Uh sure…” I turned around closing the door and walking out onto the porch sitting on the swing. Jonathan sat down beside me as I rubbed my arms trying to keep warm as the harsh December winds had no mercy on my bear arms.

“Uh I just wanted to say sorry… you know about how we left off. I was a total jerk off but the truth is I was just angry and couldn’t think straight…” He huffed running his hands through his hair.

“It’s fine Jonathan, I understand.”

“No you really don’t Kaylee! I realize that I’ve been a sucky boyfriend and I realize I can’t change that now but I can change how we left off. So I want to break up with you… again… in a nicer way and explain myself.”

“Jonathan are you joking with me right now?” I laughed in disbelief. “You really expect me to sit here and get my heart crushed again?”

“Kaylee please just hear me out.”

“Okay go, hurry up.” I sighed leaning back.

“You know I love you, right?” He questioned looking at me. I just rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. “Well I do. Maybe not the same way as before but I still do and always will… I’m sorry for all the time I hurt you, or put you down, or anything else that has made you hate me-“

“Jonathan, I don’t hate you.” I interrupted him.

“Okay well I hate me for treating you like that. I just… I don’t know how to treat a girl simple as that, I need to work on it I know but not with you… I’ve already hurt you to many times. Now Kaylee, I know I said I don’t want anything to do with you… I lied. I could never throw someone, who has been such a big part of my life away just like that. I want to be friends… I want to still talk to you, and go out to lunch and have fun with you but as friends. Kind of like the days before we dated. So please understand where I’m coming from?”

“I understand Jonathan. I get what you mean and yeah, I’d like to stay friends but we just have to promise to never ever get back together.” I giggled sitting up and turning more towards him.

“Yes, never. So friends?” He grinned holding open his arms.

“Friends. Let’s forget the past… or at least the bad stuff.” I giggled as he engulfed me in a huge hug.

“Deal, now get inside I don’t need you catching a cold.” He let go of me and stood up out stretching his hand to help me up.

“Want to come in for some coffee?” I asked as I took his gesture and stood up.

“Sure, why not.” He followed me inside and I threw on one of the sweatshirts hanging on the hanger. “Uh why are they here?”Jonathan laughed looking at the five boys sprawled out all over the couch.

“We got home kind of late last night and they wanted to stay with me since my mom’s not home.” I replied walking into the kitchen and turning on the boiling pot.

“Oh that’s nice of them, have you all been getting along?” He asked pulling out a stool and sitting at the island.

“Uh for the most part…” I answered my back to him as I prepared the coffee mugs.

“The most part?”

“Yeah Niall and I uh we’ve gotten into a few blow outs...but we’re getting better.” I smiled slightly turning around to look at Jonathan.

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