Chapter 29

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“Oh my baby, have a safe trip.” My mum cooed wrapping me up in a tight hug.

“I will Mum, I’ll miss you.” I sighed hugging her back. “Call me whenever you want, love you.”

“Love you too.” She whispered and I pulled back looking at her. “I’m not going to cry this time.” She laughed lightly biting her lip before pulling me back into a hug.

“It’s okay mum, but we really have to get going.”

“Right! Right! Bye Kaylee, please come back sometime, it was a pleasure having you.” My mom smiled walking over to Kaylee and hugging her. Over the past few days my mum and Kaylee got really close, like really close.

I mean Kaylee didn’t have much a mother figure in her life and my mum never had a daughter so it was bound to happen.

“I will, thank you for having me.” Kaylee giggled as my mum rocked her back and forth in a hug.

“Yes, well alright get going! Don’t want you to be late! Call me when you two land! And Niall take care of Kaylee, she’s a keeper!” My mum called as we walked down the path sending a wink in my direction.

“Mum!” I shouted back, cheeks heating up. “I will!” I replied a bit later smiling over at Kaylee making her blush.


As we pulled up to the airport of course it was mobbed with fans, why wouldn’t it be? At least this time there was security and baracades.

“Ready Kayls?” I asked her as she bit her lip looking out the window. I could sense her nervousness, after all the last time she was in this situation she was cut and had her hair pulled.

“I- uh yeah.” She mumbled and I stepped out of the car turning around to get Kaylee.

“Kaylee, c’mon we’re going to miss our flight.” I told her and she nodded hesitantly stepping down from the car. She immediately grabbed onto my arm as we walked forward toward the entrance.

This time it was much easier, no injuries or anything, thank god. Kaylee let out a deep breath and looked up at me and smiled.

“Alright so your flight is going back to New Jersey because you start school tomorrow but I’m taking the flight out to California where the boys are.” I told her as we walked up to security.

“Wait you mean we’re not on the same flight?” She questioned looking up at me. I nodded and left her side, walking through the security.

She followed shortly behind running up to me. “But Niall I don’t know how to do all this airport stuff! I’ll get lost or die or something.” She explained frantically as we kept walking.

“Kaylee calm down, fine. I’ll take the flight to New Jersey with you and then find one out to California, don’t worry love.” I smiled slinging my arm over her shoulder. She leaned into me sighing, she was so cute.

We went through the same thing, with the getting onto the plane and finding our seats. The lift off was easy as well as the landing. It wasn’t exactly the easiest to get Kaylee up but I managed.

“Alright Kaylee you can take it from here?” I asked her as we stepped off the plain. She nodded her head lazily before she yawned.

“Niall when am I going to see you guys again?” She asked me, her lips pouting.

“Uh I don’t know, I promise we’ll arrange something…. You go on February break for school right?”

“Yeah why?”

“Because we can fly you out to wherever we are for that week so you don’t have to spend it alone, sound good?” I asked her and she smiled nodding.

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